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Extrait du General Catalog of Variable Stars (Kholopov+ 1998)
Organisation du catalogue :
Les Θtoiles sont rΘparties dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrΘs selon le mΩme
principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
du centre de zones premiΦre zone
------------- ------------ --------------
15 12 1
45 9 13
75 4 22
-15 12 26
-45 9 38
-75 4 47
Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
Toutes les donnΘes proviennent des fichiers gcvs.dat, evs_cat.dat, nsv.dat.
GCVrec = record ar, de, num :longint ;
period : single;
max, min : smallint;
lmax, lmin, mcode : char;
gcvs, vartype : array[1..10] of char;
- ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- num : numΘro de constelation et d'Θtoile
- period: periode de variation en jours
- max : magnitude maximum * 100
- min : magnitude minimum * 100
- lmax : limite de magnitude maximum
- lmin : limite de magnitude minimum
- mcode : systΦme photomΘtrique
- gcvs : identification de l'Θtoile variable
- vartype: type de variable + annΘe de nova
Type Intervalle Format
------------ -------------------------- -------------------
Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
Chiffres Taille en
Type PortΘe significatifs octets
-------- ----------------------------- ------------- ------
Real 2.9 * 10-39 .. 1.7 * 1038 11-12 6
Single 1.5 * 10-45 .. 3.4 * 1038 7-8 4
Double 5.0 * 10-324 .. 1.7 * 10308 15-16 8
Extended 3.4 * 10-4932 .. 1.1 * 104932 19-20 10
GCVS Variability Types
An improved system of variability classification is used in the fourth
edition of the GCVS, based on recent developments in classification
principles and taking into account the suggestions of a number of
specialists. Variability types are grouped according to the major
astrophysical reasons for variability, viz.,
1. eruptive (FU, GCAS, I, IA, IB, IN, INA, INB, INT, IN(YY), IS, ISA, ISB,
3. rotating (ACV, ACVO, BY, ELL, FKCOM, PSR, SXARI),
4. cataclysmic (explosive and novalike) variables (N, NA, NB, NC, NL, NR,
5. eclipsing binary systems (E, EA, EB, EW, GS, PN, RS, WD, WR, AR, D, DM,
DS, DW, K, KE, KW, SD),
6. intense variable X-ray sources (X, XB, XF, XI, XJ, XND, XNG, XP, XPR, XPRM),
7. other symbols (BLLAC, CST, GAL, L:, QSO, S:, *, +).
All of these classes include objects of a dissimilar nature that belong
to different types of light variability. On the other hand, an object
may be variable because of almost all of the possible reasons or because
of any combination of them. If a variable belongs to several types of
variability, the types are joined in the data field by a "+" sign, e.g.,
Despite considerable success in understanding stellar variability pro-
cesses, the classification adopted in the Catalogue is far from perfect.
This is especially the case for explosive, symbiotic and novalike
variables; X-ray sources; and peculiar objects.
The new variability types (ZZO, AM, R, BE, LBV, BLBOO) have been added
in the Name-Lists 67- 72 and in the GCVS vol.V.
ZZO ZZ Cet type variables of the DO spectral type showing HeII and
and CIV absorbtion lines in their spectra.
AM AM Her type variables; close binary systems consisting of a
dK-dM type dwarf and of a compact object with strong magnetic
field, characterized by variable linear and circular polarization
of light. The total range of light variations may reach 4-5 mag V.
R Close binary systems characterized by the presence of strong
reflection (re-radiation) of the light of the hot star
illuminating the surface of the cooler companion. Light curves
are sinusoidal with the period equal to Porb, maximum brightness
coinciding with the passage of the hot star in front of the
companion. The eclipse may be absent. The range of light
variation is about 0.5-1.0mag V (KV Vel).
BE It becomes more and more clear that, although the majority of Be
stars are photometrically variable, not all of them could be
properly called GCAS variables. Quite a number of them show
small-scale variations not necessarily related to shell events; in
some cases the variations are quasi-periodic. By now we are not
able to present an elaborated system of classification for Be
variables, but we adopt a decision that in the cases when a Be
variable cannot be readily described as a GCAS star we give simply
BE for the type of variability.
LBV For comparatively long-period pulsating B stars (periods exceeding
one day), we introduce a provisional type LBV.
BLBOO The so-called "anomalous Cepheids", i.e. stars with periods
characteristic of comparatively long-period RRAB variables, but
considerably brighter by luminosity (BL Boo = NGC 5466 V19).
1. Eruptive Variable Stars
Eruptive variables are stars varying in brightness because of
violent processes and flares occurring in their chromospheres
and coronae. The light changes are usually accompanied by shell
events or mass outflow in the form of stellar winds of variable
intensity and/or by interaction with the surrounding interstellar
medium. This class includes the following types:
FU Orion variables of the FU Orionis type. Characterized by
gradual increases in brightness by about 6 mag in several months,
followed by either almost complete constancy at maximum that is
sustained for long periods of time or slow decline by 1-2 mag.
Spectral types at maximum are in the range Ae(alpha) - Gpe(alpha).
After an outburst, a gradual development of an emission spectrum
is observed and the spectral type becomes later. These variables
probably mark one of the evolutionary stages of T Tauri-type Orion
variables (INT), as evidenced by an outburst of one member, V1057
Cyg, but its decline (2.5 mag in 11 years) commenced immediately
after maximum brightness was attained. All presently known FU Ori
variables are coupled with reflecting cometary nebulae.
GCAS Eruptive irregular variables of the Gamma Cas type. These
are rapidly rotating B III-IVe stars with mass outflow from their
equatorial zones. The formation of equatorial rings or disks is
often accompanied by temporary fading. Light amplitudes may reach
1.5 mag in V.
I Poorly studied irregular variables with unknown features of light
variations and spectral types. This is a very inhomogeneous group
of objects.
IA Poorly studied irregular variables of early (O-A) spectral type.
IB Poorly studied irregular variables of intermediate (F-G) to
late (K-M) spectral type.
IN Orion variables. Irregular, eruptive variables connected with
bright or dark diffuse nebulae or observed in the regions of these
nebulae. Some of them may show cyclic light variations caused by
axial rotation. In the Spectrum-Luminosity diagram, they are
found in the area of the main sequence and subgiants. They are
probably young objects that, during the course of further
evolution, will become light-constant stars on the zero-age main
sequence (ZAMS). The range of brightness variations may reach
several magnitudes. In the case of rapid light variations having
been observed (up to 1 mag in 1-10 days), the letter "S" is added
to the symbol for the type (INS). This type may be divided into
the following subtypes:
INA Orion variables of early spectral types (B-A or Ae). They are often
characterized by occasional abrupt Algol-like fadings (T Ori);
INB Orion variables of intermediate and late spectral types, F-M or
Fe-Me (BH Cep, AH Ori). F-type stars may show Algol-like fadings
similar to those of many INA stars; K-M stars may produce flares
along with irregular light variations;
INT Orion variables of the T Tauri type. Stars are assigned to
this type on the basis of the following (purely spectroscopic)
criteria: spectral types are in the range Fe-Me. The spectra of
most typical stars resemble the spectrum of the solar
chromosphere. The feature specific to the type is the presence of
the flourescent emission lines Fe II 4046, 4132 A (anomalously
intense in the spectra of these stars), emission lines [Si II] and
[O I], as well as the absorption line Li I 6707 A. These variables
are usually observed only in diffuse nebulae. If it is not
apparent that the star is associated with a nebula, the letter "N"
in the symbol for the type may be omitted, e.g., IT (RW AUR);
IN(YY) Some Orion variables (YY Ori) show the presence of absorption
components on the redward sides of emission lines, indicating the
infall of matter toward the stars' surfaces. In such cases, the
symbol for the type may be accompanied by the symbol "YY".
IS Rapid irregular variables having no apparent connection with diffuse
nebulae and showing light changes of about 0.5 - 1.0 mag within
several hours or days. There is no strict boundary between rapid
irregular and Orion variables. If a rapid irregular star is
observed in the region of a diffuse nebula, it is considered an
Orion variable and designated by the symbol INS. To attribute
a variable to the IS type, it is necessary to take much care to be
certain that its light changes are really not periodic. Quite a
number of the stars assigned to this type in the third edition of
the GCVS turned out to be eclipsing binary systems, RR Lyrae
variables, and even extragalactic BL Lac objects.
ISA Rapid irregular variables of the early spectral types, B-A or Ae;
ISB Rapid irregular variables of the intermediate and late spectral
types, F-M and Fe-Me.
RCB Variables of the R Coronae Borealis type. These are hydrogen-poor,
carbon- and helium-rich, high-luminosity stars belonging to the
spectral types Bpe-R, which are simultaneously eruptive and
pulsating variables. They show slow nonperiodic fadings by 1-9
mag in V lasting from a month or more to several hundred days.
These changes are superposed on cyclic pulsations with amplitudes
up to several tenths of a magnitude and periods in the range
30-100 days.
RS Eruptive variables of the RS Canum Venaticorum type. This type is
ascribed to close binary systems with spectra showing Ca II H and
K in emission, their components having enhanced chromospheric
activity that causes quasi-periodic light variability. The period
of variation is close to the orbital one, and the variability
amplitude is usually as great as 0.2 mag in V (UX Ari). They are
X-ray sources and rotating variables. RS CVn itself is also an
eclipsing system (see below).
SDOR Variables of the S Doradus type. These are eruptive,
high-luminosity Bpec-Fpec stars showing irregular (sometimes
cyclic) light changes with amplitudes in the range 1-7 mag in V.
They belong to the brightest blue stars of their parent galaxies.
As a rule, these stars are connected with diffuse nebulae and
surrounded by expanding envelopes (P Cyg, Eta Car).
UV Eruptive variables of the UV Ceti type, these are K Ve-M Ve stars
sometimes displaying flare activity with amplitudes from
several tenths of a magnitude up to 6 mag in V. The amplitude is
considerably greater in the ultraviolet spectral region. Maximum
light is attained in several seconds or dozens of seconds after
the beginning of a flare; the star returns to its normal
brightness in several minutes or dozens of minutes.
UVN Flaring Orion variables of spectral types Ke-Me. These are
phenomenologically almost identical to UV Cet variables observed
in the solar neighborhood. In addition to being related to
nebulae, they are normally characterized by being of earlier
spectral type and greater luminosity, with slower development of
flares (V389 Ori). They are possibly a specific subgroup of INB
variables with irregular variations superimposed by flares.
WR Eruptive Wolf-Rayet variables. Stars with broad emission features
of He I and He II as well as C II-C IV, O II-O IV, and N III-N V.
They display irregular light changes with amplitudes up to 0.1 mag
in V, which are probably caused by physical processes, in
particular, by nonstable mass outflow from their atmospheres.
2. Pulsating Variable Stars
Pulsating variables are stars showing periodic expansion and
contraction of their surface layers. The pulsations may be radial
or nonradial. A radially pulsating star remains spherical in
shape, while in the case of nonradial pulsations the star's shape
periodically deviates from a sphere, and even neighboring zones of
its surface may have opposite pulsation phases.
Depending on the period value, on the mass and evolutionary status
of the star, and on the scale of pulsational phenomena, the
following types of pulsating variables may be distinguished:
ACYG Variables of the Alpha Cygni type, which are nonradially pulsating
supergiants of Bep-AepIa spectral types. The light changes with
amplitudes of the order of 0.1 mag often seem irregular, being
caused by the superposition of many oscillations with close
periods. Cycles from several days to several weeks are observed.
BCEP Variables of the Beta Cephei type (Beta Cep, Beta CMa), which are
pulsating O8-B6 I-V stars with periods of light and
radial-velocity variations in the range of 0.1 - 0.6 days and light
amplitudes from 0.01 to 0.3 mag in V. The light curves are similar
in shape to average radial-velocity curves but lag in phase by a
quarter of the period, so that maximum brightness corresponds to
maximum contraction, i.e., to minimum stellar radius. The
majority of these stars probably show radial pulsations, but some
(V649 Per) display nonradial pulsations; multiperiodicity is
characteristic of many of these stars.
BCEPS A short-period group of Beta Cep variables. The spectral types are
B2-B3 IV-V; periods and light amplitudes are in the ranges 0.02 -
0.04 days and 0.015 - 0.025 days, respectively, i.e., an order of
magnitude smaller than the normally observed ones.
CEP Cepheids. Radially pulsating, high luminosity (classes Ib-II) vari-
ables with periods in the range of 1-135 days and amplitudes from
several hundredths to 2 mag in V (in the B band, the amplitudes
are greater). Spectral type at maximum light is F; at minimum,
the types are G-K. The longer the period of light variation,
the later is the spectral type. The maximum of the surface-layer
expansion velocity almost coinciding with maximum light.
CEP(B) Cepheids (TU Cas, V 367 Sct) displaying the presence of two or
more simultaneously operating pulsation modes (usually the
fundamental tone with the period P0 and the first overtone P1).
The periods P0 are in the range from 2 to 7 days, with the ratio
P1/P0 approx. 0.71.
CW Variables of the W Virginis type. These are pulsating variables of
the galactic spherical component (old disk) population with
periods of approximately 0.8 to 35 days and amplitudes from 0.3 to
1.2 mag in V. They obey a period-luminosity relation different
from that for Delta Cep variables (see DCEP). For an equal period
value, the W Vir variables are fainter than the Delta Cep stars by
0.7 - 2 mag. The light curves of W Vir variables for some period
intervals differ from those of Delta Cep variables for
corresponding periods either by amplitudes or by the presence of
humps on their descending branches, sometimes turning into broad
flat maxima. W Vir variables are present in globular clusters and
at high galactic latitudes. They may be separated into the
following subtypes:
CWA W Vir variables with periods longer than 8 days (W Vir);
CWB W Vir variables with periods shorter than 8 days (BL Her).
DCEP These are the classical cepheids, or Delta Cep-type variables. Com-
paratively young objects that have left the main sequence and
evolved into the instability strip of the Hertzsprung-Russell
(H-R) diagram, they obey the well-known Cepheid period-luminosity
relation and belong to the young disk population. DCEP stars are
present in open clusters. They display a certain relation between
the shapes of their light curves and their periods.
DCEPS These are Delta Cep variables having light amplitudes <0.5 mag in
V (<0.7 mag in B) and almost symmetrical light curves (M-m
approx. 0.4 - 0.5 periods); as a rule, their periods do not exceed
7 days. They are probably first-overtone pulsators and/or are in
the first transition across the instability strip after leaving
the main sequence (SU Cas).
Traditionally, both Delta Cep and W Vir stars are quite often called
Cepheids because it is often impossible to discriminate between
them on the basis of the light curves for periods in the range 3 -
10 days. However, these are distinct groups of entirely different
objects in different evolutionary stages. One of the significant
spectral differences between W Vir stars and Cepheids is the
presence, during a certain phase interval, of hydrogen-line
emission in the former and of Ca II H and K emission in the
DSCT Variables of the Delta Scuti type. These are pulsating variables of
spectral types A0-F5 III-V displaying light amplitudes from 0.003
to 0.9 mag in V (usually several hundredths of a magnitude) and
periods from 0.01 to 0.2 days. The shapes of the light curves,
periods, and amplitudes usually vary greatly. Radial as well as
nonradial pulsations are observed. The variability of some
members of this type appears sporadically and sometimes completely
ceases, this being a consequence of strong amplitude modulation
with the lower value of the amplitude not exceeding 0.001 mag
in some cases. The maximum of the surface layer expansion does not
lag behind the maximum light for more than 0.1 periods. DSCT stars are
representatives of the galactic disk (flat component) and are
phenomenologically close to the SX Phe variables.
DSCTC Low amplitude group of Delta Sct variables (light amplitude <0.1
mag in V). The majority of this type's representatives are stars
of luminosity class V; objects of this subtype generally are
representative of the Delta Sct variables in open clusters.
L Slow irregular variables. The light variations of these stars show no
evidence of periodicity, or any periodicity present is very poorly
defined and appears only occasionally. Like for the type I, stars are
often attributed to this type because of being insufficiently studied.
Many type L variables are really semiregulars or belong to other types.
LB Slow irregular variables of late spectral types (K, M, C, S); as a
rule, they are giants (CO Cyg). This type is also ascribed, in
the GCVS, to slow red irregular variables in the case of unknown
spectral types and luminosities.
LC Irregular variable supergiants of late spectral types having amplitudes
of about 1 mag in V (TZ Cas).
M Mira (Omicron) Ceti-type variables. These are long-period variable
giants with characteristic late-type emission spectra (Me, Ce, Se) and
light amplitudes from 2.5 to 11 mag in V. Their periodicity is
well pronounced, and the periods lie in the range between 80 and
1000 days. Infrared amplitudes are usually less than in the
visible and may be <2.5 mag. For example, in the K band they
usually do not exceed 0.9 mag. If the amplitudes exceed 1 - 1.5
mag , but it is not certain that the true light amplitude exceeds 2.5
mag, the symbol "M" is followed by a colon, or the star is
attributed to the semiregular class with a colon following the
symbol for that type (SR).
PVTEL Variables of the PV Telescopii type. These are helium supergiant
Bp stars with weak hydrogen lines and enhanced lines of He and C.
They pulsate with periods of approximately 0.1 to 1 days, or vary
in brightness with an amplitude of 0.1 mag in V during a time
interval of about a year.
RR Variables of the RR Lyrae type, which are radially-pulsating giant A-F
stars having amplitudes from 0.2 to 2 mag in V. Cases of variable
light-curve shapes as well as variable periods are known. If
these changes are periodic, they are called the "Blazhko effect."
Traditionally, RR Lyrae stars are sometimes called short-period
Cepheids or cluster-type variables. The majority of these stars belong
to the spherical component of the Galaxy; they are present, sometimes in
large numbers, in some globular clusters, where they are known as
pulsating horizontal-branch stars. Like Cepheids, maximum
expansion velocities of surface layers for these stars practically
coincide with maximum light.
RR(B) RR Lyrae variables showing two simultaneously operating pulsation
modes, the fundamental tone with the period P0 and the first
overtone, P1 (AQ Leo). The ratio P1/P0 is approximately 0.745;
RRAB RR Lyrae variables with asymmetric light curves (steep ascending
branches), periods from 0.3 to 1.2 days, and amplitudes from 0.5
to 2 mag in V;
RRC RR Lyrae variables with nearly symmetric, sometimes sinusoidal, light
curves, periods from 0.2 to 0.5 days, and amplitudes not greater
than 0.8 mag in V (SX UMa).
RV Variables of the RV Tauri type. These are radially pulsating
supergiants having spectral types F-G at maximum light and K-M at
minimum. The light curves are characterized by the presence of
double waves with alternating primary and secondary minima that
can vary in depth so that primary minima may become secondary and
vice versa. The complete light amplitude may reach 3-4 mag in V.
Periods between two adjacent primary minima (usually called formal
periods) lie in the range 30-150 days (these are the periods
appearing in the Catalogue). Two subtypes, RVA and RVB, are
RVA RV Tauri variables that do not vary in mean magnitude (AC Her);
RVB RV Tauri variables that periodically (with periods from 600 to
1500 days and amplitudes up to 2 mag in V) vary in mean
magnitude (DF Cyg, RV Tau).
SR Semiregular variables, which are giants or supergiants of intermediate
and late spectral types showing noticeable periodicity in their
light changes, accompanied or sometimes interrupted by various
irregularities. Periods lie in the range from 20 to >2000 days,
while the shapes of the light curves are rather different and
variable, and the amplitudes may be from several hundredths to
several magnitudes (usually 1-2 mag in V).
SRA Semiregular late-type (M, C, S or Me, Ce, Se) giants displaying
persistent periodicity and usually small (<2.5 mag in V) light
amplitudes (Z Aqr). Amplitudes and light-curve shapes generally
vary and periods are in the range of 35-1200 days. Many of these
stars differ from Miras only by showing smaller light amplitudes;
SRB Semiregular late-type (M, C, S or Me, Ce, Se) giants with poorly
defined periodicity (mean cycles in the range of 20 to 2300 days)
or with alternating intervals of periodic and slow irregular changes,
and even with light constancy intervals (RR CrB, AF Cyg). Every star
of this type may usually be assigned a certain mean period
(cycle), which is the value given in the Catalogue. In a number
of cases, the simultaneous presence of two or more periods of
light variation is observed;
SRC Semiregular late-type (M, C, S or Me, Ce, Se) supergiants (Mu Cep) with
amplitudes of about 1 mag and periods of light variation from 30 days to
several thousand days;
SRD Semiregular variable giants and supergiants of F, G, or K spectral
types, sometimes with emission lines in their spectra. Amplitudes
of light variation are in the range from 0.1 to 4 mag, and the range of
periods is from 30 to 1100 days (SX Her, SV UMa).
SXPHE Phenomenologically, these resemble DSCT (Delta Sct) variables and
are pulsating subdwarfs of the spherical component, or old disk
galactic population, with spectral types in the range A2-F5. They
may show several simultaneous periods of oscillation, generally in
the range 0.04-0.08 days, with variable-amplitude light changes
that may reach 0.7 mag in V. These stars are present in globular
ZZ ZZ Ceti variables. These are nonradially pulsating white dwarfs that
change their brightnesses with periods from 30 s to 25 min and
amplitudes from 0.001 to 0.2 mag in V. They usually show several
close period values. Flares of 1 mag are sometimes observed;
however, these may be explained by the presence of close UV Ceti
These variables are divided into the following subtypes:
ZZA ZZ Cet-type variables of DA spectral type (ZZ Cet) having only
hydrogen absorption lines in their spectra;
ZZB ZZ Cet-type variables of DB spectral type having only helium
absorption lines in their spectra.
3. Rotating Variable Stars
Variable stars with nonuniform surface brightness and/or
ellipsoidal shapes, whose variability is caused by axial rotation
with respect to the observer. The nonuniformity of surface
brightness distributions may be caused by the presence of spots or
by some thermal or chemical inhomogeneity of the atmosphere caused
by a magnetic field whose axis is not coincident with the rotation
axis. These stars are subdivided into the following types:
ACV Alpha2 Canum Venaticorum variables. These are main-sequence stars
with spectral types B8p-A7p and displaying strong magnetic fields.
Spectra show abnormally strong lines of Si, Sr, Cr, and rare
earths whose intensities vary with rotation. They exhibit magnetic
field and brightness changes (periods of 0.5-160 days or more). The
amplitudes of the brightness changes are usually withine 0.01-0.1 mag
in V.
ACVO Rapidly oscillating Alpha2 CVn variables. These are nonradially
pulsating, rotating magnetic variables of Ap spectral type (DO
Eri). Pulsation periods are in the range of 6-12 mmag (0.004-0.01
days), while amplitudes of light variation caused by the pulsation
are about 0.01 mag in V. The pulsational variations are superposed
on those caused by rotation.
BY BY Draconis-type variables, which are emission-line dwarfs of dKe-dMe
spectral type showing quasiperiodic light changes with periods
from a fraction of a day to 120 days and amplitudes from several
hundredths to 0.5 mag in V. The light variability is caused by
axial rotation of a star with a variable degree of nonuniformity
of the surface brightness (spots) and chromospheric activity.
Some of these stars also show flares similar to those of UV Cet
stars, and in those cases they also belong to the latter type and
are simultaneously considered eruptive variables.
ELL Rotating ellipsoidal variables (b Per, Alpha Vir). These are close
binary systems with ellipsoidal components, which change combined
brightnesses with periods equal to those of orbital motion because
of changes in emitting areas toward an observer, but showing no
eclipses. Light amplitudes do not exceed 0.1 mag in V.
FKCOM FK Comae Berenices-type variables. These are rapidly rotating
giants with nonuniform surface brightnesses, which have G-K spectral
types with broad H and K Ca II emission and sometimes Halpha.
They may also be spectroscopic binary systems. Periods of light
variation (up to several days) are equal to rotational periods,
and amplitudes are several tenths of a magnitude. It is not
excluded that these objects are the product of further evolution
of EW (W UMa) close binary systems (see below).
PSR Optically variable pulsars (CM Tau), which are rapidly rotating
neutron stars with strong magnetic fields, radiating in the radio,
optical, and X-ray regions. Pulsars emit narrow beams of
radiation, and periods of their light changes coincide with
rotational periods (from 0.004 to 4 s), while amplitudes of the
light pulses reach 0.8 mag.
SXARI SX Arietis-type variables. These are main-sequence B0p-B9p stars
with variable-intensity He I and Si III lines and magnetic fields.
They are sometimes called helium variables. Periods of light and
magnetic field changes (about 1 day) coincide with rotational
periods, while amplitudes are approximately 0.1 mag in V. These
stars are high-temperature analogs of the ACV variables.
4. Cataclysmic (Explosive and Novalike) Variables
These are variable stars showing outbursts caused by thermonuclear
burst processes in their surface layers (novae) or deep in their
interiors (supernovae). We use the term "novalike" for
variables that show novalike outbursts caused by rapid energy
release in the surrounding space (UG-type stars - see
below) and also for objects not displaying outbursts but
resembling explosive variables at minimum light by their spectral
(or other) characteristics. The majority of explosive and
novalike variables are close binary systems, their components
having strong mutual influence on the evolution of each star. It
is often observed that the hot dwarf component of the system is
surrounded by an accretion disk formed by matter lost by the
other, cooler, and more extended component. This category is
subdivided into the following types:
N Novae. Close binary systems with orbital periods from 0.05 to 230
days. One of the components of these systems is a hot dwarf star
that suddenly, during a time interval from one to several dozen or
several hundred days, increases its brightness by 7-19 mag in V,
then returns gradually to its former brightness over several
months, years, or decades. Small changes at minimum light may be
present. Cool components may be giants, subgiants, or dwarfs of
K-M type. The spectra of novae near maximum light resemble A-F
absorption spectra of luminous stars at first. Then broad
emission lines (bands) of hydrogen, helium, and other elements
with absorption components indicating the presence of a rapidly
expanding envelope appear in the spectrum. As the light
decreases, the composite spectrum begins to show forbidden lines
characteristic of the spectra of gas nebulae excited by hot
stars. At minimum light, the spectra of novae are generally
continuous or resemble the spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars. Only
spectra of the most massive systems show traces of cool
Some novae reveal pulsations of hot components with periods of
approximately 100 s and amplitudes of about 0.05 mag in V after an
outburst. Some novae eventually turn out to be eclipsing
systems. According to the features of their light variations,
novae are subdivided into fast (NA), slow (NB), very slow (NC),
and recurrent (NR) categories.
NA Fast novae displaying rapid light increases and then, having achieved
maximum light, fading by 3 mag in 100 or fewer days (GK Per);
NB Slow novae that fade after maximum light by 3 mag in >= 150 days (RR
Pic). Here the presence of the well-known "dip" in the light
curves of novae similar to T Aur and DQ Her is not taken into
account: The rate of fading is estimated on the basis of a smooth
curve, its parts before and after the "dip" being a direct
continuation of one another;
NC Novae with a very slow development and remaining at maximum light for
more than a decade, then fading very slowly. Before an outburst
these objects may show long-period light changes with amplitudes
of 1-2 mag in V (RR Tel); cool components of these systems are
probably giants or supergiants, sometimes semiregular variables,
and even Mira variables. Outburst amplitudes may reach 10 mag.
High excitation emission spectra resemble those of planetary
nebulae, Wolf-Rayet stars, and symbiotic variables. The
possibility that these objects are planetary nebulae in the
process of formation is not excluded;
NL Novalike variables, which are insufficiently studied objects
resembling novae by the characteristics of their light changes or
by spectral features. This type includes, in addition to
variables showing novalike outbursts, objects with no bursts ever
observed; the spectra of novalike variables resemble those of old
novae, and small light changes resemble those typical for old
novae at minimum light. However, quite often a detailed
investigation makes it possible to reclassify some representatives
of this highly inhomogeneous group of objects into other types;
NR Recurrent novae, which differ from typical novae by the fact that two
or more outbursts (instead of a single one) separated by 10-80
years have been observed (T CrB).
SN Supernovae (B Cas, CM Tau). Stars that increase, as a result of an
outburst, their brightnesses by 20 mag and more, then fade slowly.
The spectrum during an outburst is characterized by the presence
of very broad emission bands, their widths being several times
greater than those of the bright bands observed in the spectra of
novae. The expansion velocities of SN envelopes are in the
thousands of km/s. The structure of a star after outburst alters
completely. An expanding emission nebula results and a (not
always observable) pulsar remains at the position of the original
star. According to the light curve shape and the spectral
features, supernovae are subdivided into types I and II.
SNI Type I supernovae. Absorption lines of Ca II, Si, etc., but no
hydrogen lines are present in the spectra. The expanding envelope
almost lacks hydrogen. During 20-30 days following maximum light,
the brightness decreases by approximately 0.1 mag per day, then
the rate of fading slows and reaches a constant value of
SNII Type II supernovae. Lines of hydrogen and other elements are
apparent in their spectra. The expanding envelope consists mainly
of H and He. Light curves show greater diversity than those of
type I supernovae. Usually after 40-100 days since maximum light,
the rate of fading is 0.1 mag per day.
UG U Geminorum-type variables, quite often called dwarf novae. They are
close binary systems consisting of a dwarf or subgiant K-M star
that fills the volume of its inner Roche lobe and a white dwarf
surrounded by an accretion disk. Orbital periods are in the range
0.05-0.5 days. Usually only small, in some cases rapid, light
fluctuations are observed, but from time to time the brightness of
a system increases rapidly by several magnitudes and, after an
interval of from several days to a month or more, returns to the
original state. Intervals between two consecutive outbursts for a
given star may vary greatly, but every star is characterized by a
certain mean value of these intervals, i.e., a mean cycle that
corresponds to the mean light amplitude. The longer the cycle,
the greater the amplitude. These systems are frequently sources
of X-ray emission. The spectrum of a system at minimum is
continuous, with broad H and He emission lines. At maximum these
lines almost disappear or become shallow absorption lines. Some
of these systems are eclipsing, possibly indicating that the
primary minimum is caused by the eclipse of a hot spot that
originates in the accretion disk from the infall of a gaseous
stream from the K-M star. According to the characteristics of the
light changes, U Gem variables may be subdivided into three types:
SS Cyg, SU UMa, and Z Cam.
UGSS SS Cygni-type variables (SS Cyg, U Gem). They increase in
brightness by 2-6 mag in V in 1-2 days and in several subsequent
days return to their original brightnesses. The values of the
cycle are in the range 10 days to several thousand;
UGSU SU Ursae Majoris-type variables. These are characterized by the
presence of two types of outbursts called "normal" and
"supermaxima". Normal, short outbursts are similar to those of
UGSS stars, while supermaxima are brighter by 2 mag, are more than
five times longer (wider), and occur several times less frequently.
During supermaxima the light curves show superposed periodic
oscillations (superhumps), their periods being close to the
orbital ones and amplitudes being about 0.2-0.3 mag in V. Orbital
periods are shorter than 0.1 days; companions are of dM spectral
UGZ Z Camelopardalis-type stars. These also show cyclic outbursts,
differing from UGSS variables by the fact that sometimes after an
outburst they do not return to the original brightness, but during
several cycles retain a magnitude between maximum and minimum.
The values of cycles are from 10 to 40 days, while light
amplitudes are from 2 to 5 mag in V.
ZAND Symbiotic variables of the Z Andromedae type. They are close
binaries consisting of a hot star, a star of late type, and an
extended envelope excited by the hot star's radiation. The
combined brightness displays irregular variations with amplitudes
up to 4 mag in V. A very inhomogeneous group of objects.
5. Close Binary Eclipsing Systems
We adopt a triple system of classifying eclipsing binary systems:
according to the shape of the combined light curve, as well as to
physical and evolutionary characteristics of their components.
The classification based on light curves is simple, traditional,
and suits the observers; the second and third classification
methods take into account positions of the binary-system
components in the (MV ,B-V) diagram and the degree of inner Roche
lobe filling. Estimates are made by applying the simple criteria
proposed by Svechnikov and Istomin (1979). The symbols for the
types of eclipsing binary systems that we use are given below.
a) Classification based on the shape of the light curve
E Eclipsing binary systems. These are binary systems with orbital planes
so close to the observer's line of sight (the inclination i of the
orbital plane to the plane orthogonal to the line of sight is
close to 90 deg) that the components periodically eclipse each other.
Consequently, the observer finds changes of the apparent combined
brightness of the system with the period coincident with that of the
components' orbital motion.
EA Algol (Beta Persei)-type eclipsing systems. Binaries with spherical
or slightly ellipsoidal components. It is possible to specify, for
their light curves, the moments of the beginning and end of the
eclipses. Between eclipses the light remains almost constant or
varies insignificantly because of reflection effects, slight
ellipsoidality of components, or physical variations. Secondary
minima may be absent. An extremely wide range of periods is
observed, from 0.2 to >= 10000 days. Light amplitudes are also
quite different and may reach several magnitudes.
EB Beta Lyrae-type eclipsing systems. These are eclipsing systems having
ellipsoidal components and light curves for which it is impossible
to specify the exact times of onset and end of eclipses because of
a continuous change of a system's apparent combined brightness
between eclipses; secondary minimum is observed in all cases, its
depth usually being considerably smaller than that of the primary
minimum; periods are mainly longer than 1 day. The components
generally belong to early spectral types (B-A). Light amplitudes
are usually <2 mag in V.
EW W Ursae Majoris-type eclipsing variables. These are eclipsers with
periods shorter than 1 days, consisting of ellipsoidal components
almost in contact and having light curves for which it is
impossible to specify the exact times of onset and end of
eclipses. The depths of the primary and secondary minima are
almost equal or differ insignificantly. Light amplitudes are
usually <0.8 mag in V. The components generally belong to
spectral types F-G and later.
b) Classification according to the components' physical
GS Systems with one or both giant and supergiant components; one of the
components may be a main sequence star.
PN Systems having, among their components, nuclei of planetary nebulae
(UU Sge).
RS RS Canum Venaticorum-type systems. A significant property of these
systems is the presence in their spectra of strong Ca II H and K
emission lines of variable intensity, indicating increased
chromospheric activity of the solar type. These systems are also
characterized by the presence of radio and X-ray emission. Some
have light curves that exhibit quasi sine waves outside eclipses,
with amplitudes and positions changing slowly with time. The
presence of this wave (often called a distortion wave) is
explained by differential rotation of the star, its surface being
covered with groups of spots; the period of the rotation of a spot
group is usually close to the period of orbital motion (period of
eclipses) but still differs from it, which is the reason for the
slow change (migration) of the phases of the distortion wave
minimum and maximum in the mean light curve. The variability of
the wave's amplitude (which may be up to 0.2 mag in V) is
explained by the existence of a long-period stellar activity cycle
similar to the 11-year solar activity cycle, during which the
number and total area of spots on the star's surface vary.
WD Systems with white-dwarf components.
WR Systems having Wolf-Rayet stars among their components (V 444 Cyg).
c) Classification based on the degree of filling of inner Roche
AR Detached systems of the AR Lacertae type. Both components are
subgiants not filling their inner equipotential surfaces.
D Detached systems, with components not filling their inner Roche lobes.
DM Detached main-sequence systems. Both components are main-sequence
stars and do not fill their inner Roche lobes.
DS Detached systems with a subgiant. The subgiant also does not fill its
inner critical surface.
DW Systems similar to W UMa systems in physical properties (KW, see
below), but not in contact.
K Contact systems, both components filling their inner critical surfaces.
KE Contact systems of early (O-A) spectral type, both components being
close in size to their inner critical surfaces.
KW Contact systems of the W UMa type, with ellipsoidal components of F0-K
spectral type. Primary components are main-sequence stars and
secondaries lie below and to the left of the main sequence in the
(MV,B-V) diagram.
SD Semidetached systems in which the surface of the less massive com-
ponent is close to its inner Roche lobe.
The combination of the above three classification systems for
eclipsers results in the assignment of multiple classifications
for object types. These are separated by a solidus ("/") in the
data field. Examples are: E/DM, EA/DS/RS, EB/WR, EW/KW, etc.
6. Optically Variable Close Binary Sources of Strong, Variable
X-ray Radiation (X-ray Sources)
X Close binary systems that are sources of strong, variable X-ray emis-
sion and which do not belong to or are not yet attributed to any
of the above types of variable stars. One of the components of
the system is a hot compact object (white dwarf, neutron star, or
possibly a black hole). X-ray emission originates from the infall
of matter onto the compact object or onto an accretion disk
surrounding the compact object. In turn, the X-ray emission is
incident upon the atmosphere of the cooler companion of the
compact object and is reradiated in the form of optical
high-temperature radiation (reflection effect), thus making that
area of the cooler companion's surface an earlier spectral type.
These effects lead to quite a peculiar complex character of
optical variability in such systems. These objects may be
subdivided into the following types:
XB X-ray bursters. Close binary systems showing X-ray and optical
bursts, their duration being from several seconds to ten minutes,
with amplitudes of about 0.1 mag in V (V 801 Ara, V 926 Sco);
XF Fluctuating X-ray systems showing rapid variations of X-ray (Cygnus
X-1 = V1357 Cyg) and optical (V821 Ara) radiation on time scales
of dozens of milliseconds;
XI X-ray irregulars. Close binary systems consisting of a hot compact
object surrounded by an accretion disk and a dA - dM-type dwarf.
These display irregular light changes on time scales of minutes
and hours, and amplitudes of about 1 mag in V. Superposition of a
periodic variation because of orbital motion is possible (V818
XJ X-ray binaries characterized by the presence of relativistic jets
evident at X-ray and radio wavelengths, as well as in the optical
spectrum in the form of emission components showing periodic
displacements with relativistic velocities (V1343 Aql);
XND X-ray, novalike (transient) systems containing, along with a hot
compact object, a dwarf or subgiant of G-M spectral type. These
systems occasionally rapidly increase in brightness by 4-9 mag
in V, in the visible simultaneously with the X-ray range, with no
envelope ejected. The duration of the outburst may be up to
several months (V616 Mon);
XNG X-ray, novalike (transient) systems with an early-type supergiant or
giant primary component and a hot compact object as a companion.
Following the main component's outburst, the material ejected by
it falls onto the compact object and causes, with a significant
delay, the appearance of X rays. The amplitudes are about 1-2 mag
in V (V725 Tau);
XP X-ray pulsar systems. The primary component is usually an ellipsoidal
early-type supergiant. The reflection effect is very small and
light variability is mainly caused by the ellipsoidal primary
component's rotation. Periods of light changes are between 1 and
10 days; the period of the pulsar in the system is from 1 s to 100
min. Light amplitudes usually do not exceed several tenths of a
magnitude (Vela X-1 = GP Vel);
XPR X-ray pulsar systems featuring the presence of the reflection effect.
They consist of a dB-dF-type primary and an X-ray pulsar, which
may also be an optical pulsar. The mean light of the system is
brightest when the primary component is irradiated by X rays; it
is faintest during a low state of the X-ray source. The total
light amplitude may reach 2-3 mag in V (HZ Her);
XPRM X-ray systems consisting of a late-type dwarf (dK-dM) and a pulsar
with a strong magnetic field. Matter accretion on the compact
object's magnetic poles is accompanied by the appearance of
variable linear and circular polarization; hence, these systems
are sometimes known as "polars". The amplitudes of the light
changes are usually about 1 mag in V but, provided that the
primary component is irradiated by X rays, the mean brightness of
a system may increase by 3 mag in V. The total light amplitude may
reach 4-5 mag in V (AM Her, AN UMa).
If the beam of X-ray emission originating at the magnetic poles of
the rotating hot compact object does not pass through the
observer's position and the system is not observed as a pulsar,
the letter "P" in the above symbols for X-ray- system types is not
used. If an X-ray system is also an eclipsing or an ellipsoidal
variable, the X-ray symbol is preceded by "E" or "ELL" joined with
the X-ray symbol by a "+" sign (e.g., E+X, ELL+X).
7. Other Symbols
In addition to the variable-star types described above, certain
other symbols that need to be explained will be found in the
Type data field:
BLLAC Extragalactic BL Lacertae-type objects. These are compact
quasistellar objects showing almost continuous spectra with weak
emission and absorption lines and relatively rapid irregular light
changes with amplitudes up to 3 mag in V or more. Sources of
strong X-ray radiation and radio waves, their emission displays
strong and variable linear polarization in the visible and
infrared spectral regions. Some objects of this type, considered
erroneously to be variable stars and designated in the GCVS
system, will probably sometimes be included in the main table of
the Catalogue in the future, too.
CST Nonvariable stars, formerly suspected to be variable and hastily
designated. Further observations have not confirmed their
GAL Optically variable quasistellar extragalactic objects (active
galactic nuclei [AGNs]) considered to be variable stars by
L: Unstudied variable stars with slow light changes.
QSO Optically variable quasistellar extragalactic sources (quasars) that
earlier were erroneously considered to be variable stars.
S: Unstudied variable stars with rapid light changes.
* Unique variable stars outside the range of the classifications de-
scribed above. These probably represent either short stages of
transition from one variability type to another or the earliest
and latest evolutionary stages of these types, or they are
insufficiently studied members of future new types of variables.
+ If a variable star belongs to several types of light variability
simultaneously, the types are joined in the Type field by a "+"
sign (e.g., E+UG, UV+BY).
(End) N.N. Samus [Moscow Inst. Astron.], O.V. Durlevich [Sternberg
Astron. Inst., Moscow] 6-May-1998
Description originale du catalogue :
II/214A Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Kholopov+ 1998)
The Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4.1 Edition.
General Catalogue of Variable Stars 4th Edition, Volumes I-III,
Kholopov P.N., Samus N.N., Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P., Gorynya N.A.,
Karitskaya E.A., Kazarovets E.V., Kireeva N.N., Kukarkina N.P.,
Kurochkin N.E., Medvedeva G.I., Pastukhova E.N., Perova N.B.,
Rastorguev A.S., Shugarov S.Yu.
<Moscow: Nauka Publishing House (1985-1988)>
General Catalogue of Variable Stars Volume IV, 4th ed.
The cross-identification tables.
Kholopov P.N., Samus N.N., Durlevich O.V., Kazarovets E.V.,
Kireeva N.N., Tsvetkova T.M.
<Institute of Astronomy of Russian Academy of
Sciences and Sternberg State Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State
University, Nauka, Moscow, (1990)>
General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4rd ed., vol.V.
Extragalactic Variable Stars
Artiukhina N.M., Durlevich O.V., Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P.,
Gorynya N.A., Karitskaya E.A., Kazarovets E.V., Kholopov P.N.,
Kireeva N.N., Kurochkin N.E., Lipunova N.A., Medvedeva G.I.,
Pastukhova E.N., Samus N.N., Tsvetkova T.M.
<"Kosmosinform", Moscow, (1995)>
New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars,
Kukarkin B.V., Kholopov P.N., Artiukhina N.M., Fedorovich V.P.,
Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P., Gorynya N.A., Karitskaya E.A.,
Kireeva N.N., Kukarkina N.P., Kurochkin N.E., Medvedeva G.I.,
Perova N.B., Ponomareva G.A., Samus N.N., Shugarov S.Yu.
<Moscow: Nauka Publishing House (1982)>
ADC_Keywords: Stars, variable; Combined data; Supernovae
The GCVS is the only reference source on all known variable stars.
This version contains all of the electronically-readable version as
distributed by the Sternberg Astronomical Institute and Institute of
Astronomy (Russian Acad.Sci.), Moscow. It includes the catalog of
variable stars, updated and completed with the seven Name-Lists of
Variables Stars Nos.67-73 (see IBVS No.2681,1985; No.3058,1987;
No.3323,1989; No.3530,1990; No.3840,1993; No.4140,1995; No.4471,1997),
a catalog of suspected variables, a cross-index of variable star
names, a catalog of extragalactic variables, and a catalog of
The present improved electronic version of the GCVS4 Volumes I-V,
combined with Name-Lists of Variable Stars Nos.67-73, are also
available from Sternberg Institute via anonymous ftp to
ftp.sai.msu.su, /pub/groups/cluster/gcvs... and via
http://www.sai.msu.su/groups/cluster/gcvs/ . The information at
this site is regularly updated (corrections of detected mistakes,
improvements of identifications and coordinates, etc.).
gcvs.dat is the combined computer-readable version of the GCVS4 Vols.
I-III (Kholopov et al. 1985-1988) and Name-Lists of Variable Stars
Nos.67-73 (1985IBVS.2681....1K, 1987IBVS.3058....1K,
1989IBVS.3323....1K, 1990IBVS.3530....1K, 1993IBVS.3840....1K,
1995IBVS.4140....1K and 1997IBVS.4471....1K) published in the system
introduced during the preparation of the 4th GCVS edition. The total
number of designated variable stars has now reached 31918; of them,
3506 stars enter the Name-Lists Nos.67-73. Errors detected in the
printed Volumes I-III and in the Name-Lists were corrected; the file
includes also improved equatorial positions for some variable stars.
crossid.dat contains all variables, including extragalactic variables,
stars from the Name-Lists, and stars suspected of variability since
the compilation of the NSV catalog, ordered by right ascension
(B1950). The authors tried to provide as complete lists as possible
for the stars identified with the catalogues HD, BD, CoD, CPD, BS, ADS
and for the stars with preliminary HV (Harvard Variable) designations.
As for the other catalogues, their task here was more difficult since
they had to rely upon references to source catalogue names made by
variable star researchers; the tables in the present volume reproduce
the materials used in their work, and incompleteness seems to be
unavoidable. Starting with Name-List No.71, the identifications became
more reliable and complete thanks to special effort of the compilers.
The final, fifth volume contains data for variables in external
galaxies (including the Magellanic Clouds) and for extragalactic
supernovae (see evs*.dat and sn*.dat).
All variables in the present data set are arranged in the order
of their names inside constellations. For Name-list stars, the
information follows the format of the Name-Lists, that is, it
includes only coordinates, the variability type, the range of
brightness variations, and references.
The file nsv.dat is a compilation of 14811 stars suspected of
variability and not finally designated as variables prior to 1980. It
is the successor to the "Catalogues of Stars Suspected of Variability"
published in 1951 and 1965 (Kukarkin et al.). Data contained in the
present catalog include positions, magnitudes, variability types,
alternate designations, and references to the literature. The computer
version of NSV contains principally the same data as in the printed
catalog, but only the data table without the textual material
(bibliography, remarks) is included. Necessary corrections were
introduced, as of June, 1997, and coordinates were improved, compared
to the printed version, for about half of the stars in the catalog.
The Sternberg Institute has started preparation of an electronic
release GCVS 4.2 which will contain improved light elements,
classifications etc. along with sufficiently accurate positional
information. The first approach to this project has resulted in
improved equatorial positions (B1950, J2000) for variable stars in the
constellations of Andromeda, Antlia and Apus including the stars from
the GCVS proper plus the stars from the subsequent Name-lists, with a
new standard of positional accuracy, to 1 second of arc (IAU Inform.
Bull. Var. Stars, in preparation). These positions have been
incorporated in the present data set.
File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
gcvs.dat 170 31991 Combined GCVS (vols I-III and name lists)
crossid.dat 36 98642 *The Cross-Identifications of Variable Stars
evs_cat.dat 154 10979 Extragalactic Variable Stars. Catalogue
evs_rem.dat 82 1926 Extragalactic Variable Stars. Remarks
evs_ref.dat 80 667 Extragalactic Variable Stars. References
sn_cat.dat 128 984 Extragalactic supernovae. Catalogue
sn_rem.dat 80 277 Extragalactic supernovae. Remarks
sn_ref.dat 80 719 Extragalactic supernovae. References
nl_ref.dat 80 2567 References for name lists
nsv.dat 89 14811 *Suspected variables
vartype.txt 80 918 Description of variability types
Note on crossid.dat: this file is Version 1.2; it replaced version 1.1 on
22 May 1999; further corrections applied on 16-Jun-1999.
Note on nsv.dat: a newer version of this file is available in Cat. <II/219>
See also:
II/195 : Namelists of variable stars
II/219 : New Suspected Variable Stars Supplement (Kazarovets+ 1999)
ftp://ftp.sai.msu.su/pub/groups/cluster/gcvs : Sternberg files
http://www.sai.msu.su/groups/cluster/gcvs/gcvs/ : GCVS Database
Byte-by-byte Description of file: gcvs.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 3 I3 --- Constell [1/88]Constellation numeric code
4- 7 I4 --- Number Star number within the constellation
8 A1 --- Component *Component identification
9- 18 A10 --- GCVS *Variable star designation
19 A1 --- NoteFlag *[*] Notes in published catalog
20- 21 I2 h RAh *? Hours RA, equinox 1950.0
22- 23 I2 min RAm *? Minutes RA, equinox 1950.0
24- 27 F4.1 s RAs *? Seconds RA, equinox 1950.0
28 A1 --- DE- *Sign Dec, equinox 1950.0
29- 30 I2 deg DEd *? Degrees Dec, equinox 1950.0
31- 32 I2 arcmin DEm *? Minutes Dec, equinox 1950.0
33- 34 I2 arcsec DEs *? Seconds Dec, equinox 1950.0
35 A1 --- u_DEs *[:*'] position accuracy flags
36- 45 A10 --- VarType *Type of variability
46 A1 --- l_magMax [<>(] ">" if magMax is a faint limit
"<" if magMax is a bright limit
"(" if magMax is an amplitude
47- 52 F6.3 mag magMax ? Magnitude at maximum brightness
53 A1 --- u_magMax Uncertainty flag (:) on magMax
54 A1 --- f_magMax [)] ")" if magMax is an amplitude
55 A1 --- l_magMin [<(] "<" if magMin is a bright limit
"(" if magMin is an amplitude
57- 62 F6.3 mag magMin ? Minimum magnitude or amplitude
63 A1 --- u_magMin Uncertainty flag (:) on magMin
64 A1 --- n_magMin *Alternative photometric system for magMin
65 A1 --- f_magMin [)] ")" if magMin is an amplitude
66- 67 A2 --- magCode *The photometric system for magnitudes
68- 81 F14.6 d Epoch *? Epoch for maximum light, Julian days
82 A1 --- q_Epoch *[:+-] Quality flag on Epoch
83- 86 I4 --- YearNova *?Year of outburst for nova
87 A1 --- l_Period *[<>(] Code for upper or lower limits
88-103 F16.10 d Period ? Period of the variable star
104 A1 --- u_Period Uncertainty flag (:) on Period
105-107 A3 --- n_Period *[*/N) ] Uncertainty notes on Period
108-110 A3 % M-m/D *Rising time (M-m) or duration of eclipse (D)
111 A1 --- u_M-m/D Uncertainty flag (:) on M-m/D
112 A1 --- n_M-m/D *[*] Note for eclipsing variable
113-129 A17 --- SpType Spectral type
130-134 A5 --- Ref1 *Reference to a study of the star
136-140 A5 --- Ref2 *Reference to a chart or photograph
142-155 A14 --- Exists *Cases of non-existence of the variable etc.
156-157 I2 h RA2000h ? Hours RA, equinox 2000.0
158-159 I2 min RA2000m ? Minutes RA, equinox 2000.0
160-163 F4.1 s RA2000s ? Seconds RA, equinox 2000.0
164 A1 --- DE2000- Sign Dec, equinox 2000.0
165-166 I2 deg DE2000d ? Degrees Dec, equinox 2000.0
167-168 I2 arcmin DE2000m ? Minutes Dec, equinox 2000.0
169-170 I2 arcsec DE2000s ? Seconds Dec, equinox 2000.0
Note on Component: designations of components of double/multiple stars:
A,B; 1,2,3 ... (tau 1). Usually only one component of the binary
is variable, but there exist two cases (CE Cas A,B; EQ Peg A,B) when
both components are variable and enter the catalogue as separate lines.
Note on GCVS: traditional transliterations of greek letters
are used. Lower- and upper-case latin letters must be distinguished
(e.g. u Her and U Her).
Note on NoteFlag: see the document by Kholopov et al. (1985-1988).
Note on RAh, RAm, RAs, DE-, DEd, DEm, DEs:
the position is not listed when the variable is equivalent to another
catalogued variable ("=" in column Exists, byte 142).
Note on u_DEs:
the real coordinates accuracy uses the symbols:
(:) means right ascensions accurate to one second of time and
declinations accurate to one tenth of an arcminute;
(*) means declinations accurate to one arcminute.
(') means right ascensions accurate to one minute of time and
declinations accurate to one arcminute.
Note on VarType: type of variability.
The system of variable star classification corresponds to the GCVS4,
with six additions (ZZO, AM, R, BE, LBV, BLBOO) introduced in the
Name-Lists 67- 72 and in the GCVS vol.V (see file "vartype.txt").
Note on n_magMin: Code for alternative photometric system.
Field is non-blank if magMin is a magnitude or amplitude given in a
system other than that indicated by magCode. An asterisk in the
corresponding position means the amplitude measured in white light.
Note on magCode: the photometric system in which magMin and magMax are
reported (see also Note on n_magMax, n_magMin). The main codes are P
(photographic magnitudes) and V (visual, photovisual, or Johnson's V).
See also the documents by Kholopov et al. (1985-1988) or Warren (1989).
Several stars from the 68th Name-List have in these positions "1."
designating the 1.04 micrometer band of the system introduced by
G.W.Lockwood. The designations u,v,b,y refer to the Stroemgren system.
The symbols "I" and "R" mean magnitudes in Cousins' I system.
"g" designates magnitudes in the system of Thuan and Gunn;
"T" stands for broad-band Tycho magnitudes formed from B and V
measurements; "r" are red magnitudes not tied to a particular system.
Note on Epoch, YearNova: Epochs are given for minimum light for all
eclipsing and ellipsoidal variables, as well as for RV Tau and RS CVn
types, and for maximum for all other types. This rule may occasionally
be broken, but this is explained only in the remarks to the catalog,
which are not available in machine-readable form at this time.
The epochs are Julian dates.
For novae (types N) and supernovae (types SN), the Epoch is completed
by a year of outburst in the YearNova column.
Note on q_Epoch: the following codes are used (see also note on Epoch) :
":" epoch is uncertain.
"+" epoch may be later than that reported;
"-" epoch may be earlier than that reported.
Note on l_Period: the following codes are used:
">" or "<" if period is a lower or upper limit, respectively.
"(": the period is the mean cycle time of a U Gem or recurrent nova
(in this case, there is ")" in n_Period column)
Note on n_Period: the following codes are used:
"*N" if the period may be a multiple of the quoted value;
"/N" if the period may be a fraction of the quoted value;
")" - see the note on l_Period.
Note on M-m/D: this column holds the rising time (M-m) of intrinsic
variables, or the duration of the eclipse (D) for eclipsing binaries.
These values help to define the shape of the light curve. The value is
given in percentage of the period of the star.
Note on n_M-m/D: the "*" indicates that the duration of the light
constancy phase at minimum light (d) for an eclipsing variable is equal
to zero.
Note on Ref1, Ref2:
"00001" - if the main characteristics of the star were determined by
the authors themselves.
"00002" - "09148" - Vol. I GCVS (see Kholopov et al., 1985-1988).
"09149" - "09558" - Vol. II GCVS
"09559" - "10200" - Vol. III GCVS
"V 001" - "V 554" - Vol. V GCVS (see file evs_ref.dat)
"67001" - "73381" - Name-Lists Nos.67-73 (see file nl_ref.dat)
If no chart is available for the variable, but the star is contained in
one of the Durchmusterung catalogs or the Hubble Space Telescope Guide
Star Catalog, the corresponding abbreviation (BD, CPD, CoD, GSC) is
Note on Exists: the following codes are used in column Exists:
"N" in byte 142 if the star does not exist.
"=" in byte 142 appears in three cases.
First, it is used if the variable is equivalent to another catalogued
variable. In such case, after the "=" symbol, the alternative name
of the variable follows, and all necessary information on the star is
to be found under that alternative name.
Second, it is used for all variables of the Name-Lists Nos.67-73, it
is followed by the two-digit number of the Name-list and the four-digit
number of the star in the Name-list, and the information for the star
follows the format of the Name-lists (see above).
Third, the "=" symbol may be followed by the star's name in the GCVS
Vol. V (see the file evs_cat.dat).
This means that the star enters also Vol. V, and the
information of Vol. V makes it possible to improve the data of Vols.
I-III. In this case, the symbol "*" in byte 153 means the presence
of remarks in Vol. V; the symbol(s) "n" or "n:" in bytes 154-155
means that the star is nonmember (possible nonmember) of the galaxy
in question.
Byte-by-byte Description of file: crossid.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 4 A4 --- Cat *Abbreviated name of catalog or list
6- 16 A11 --- Seq Star number or name in the respective catalog
18- 21 A4 --- m_Seq *Component designation
23- 34 A12 --- Vname *Designation in GCVS or NSV
35 A1 --- m_var *Component designation
36 A1 --- IDflag [:] Uncertainty flag on cross-identification.
Note on Cat:
ADS = R.G.Aitken, 'New General Catalouge of Double Stars', Carnegie
Inst. of Washington Publ. no.417, vols.I, II, 1932
AN = Preliminary designations of variable stars introduced by the
'Astronomische Nachrichten'
AS = P.W. Merrill, C.G.Burwell, 'Additional Stars whose Spectra
have a Bright H Alpha Line', Astrophys. J. 112, 72, 1950
(=1950ApJ...112...72M); see also Astrophys. J. 113, 624, 1951
BAY = Bayer, list of those bright stars having designations by
Greek letters in their constellations
BD = Bonner Durchmusterung, F.W.A. Argelander, Bonner
Sternverzeichniss, 1 bis 4 sektion, Astronomische Beobachtungen
auf der Sternwarte de Kgl. Rhein/ Friedrich-Wilhelms-Unviersiaet
zu Bonn (Catalogs <I/119> and <I/122>)
BS (HR) = D. Hoffleit, 'The Bright Star Catalogue', 4th Revised
Ed., Yale University Observatory, New Haven, Conn. USA, 1982
(see catalog <V/50>)
CoD = Cordoba Durchmusterung, J. M. Thome, Resultados del
Observatorio Nacional Argentino 16 - 18; 21, 1892-1932
(catalog <I/114>)
CPD = Cape Photographic Durchmusterung, D. GIll and J. C. Kapteyn,
Ann. Cape Obs. 3-5, 1895 - 1900 (catalog <I/108>)
CRL (AFGL) = Air Force Geophysics Laboratory. Four-Color Infrared
Sky Survey (and supplement): S.D. Price and R.G. Walker -
AFGL-TR-76-028 (Hanscom AFB, MA, Air Force Geophysics Lab.,
Air Force Systems Command, USAF, 1976; S.D. Price and T.L.
Murdock - Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, AFGL-TR-83-0161
(see catalog <II/94>)
EG = O.J. Eggen, J.L. Greenstein, 'Spectra, Colors, Luminosities,
and Motions of the White Dwarfs', Astrophys. J. 141, 83
(1965ApJ...141...83E); additional stars in Astrophys. J.
142, 925 (1965ApJ...142..925E) and 150, 927
(1967ApJ...150..927E); more stars added by J.L. Greenstein,
see references in McCook and Sion,
Astrophys. J. Suppl. 65, 603 (1987ApJS...65..603M)
FLM = Flamsteed, List of those bright stars having designations by
number in their constellations
G = H.L. Giclas, R. Burnham Jr., and N.G. Thomas, (Large Proper
Motion Stars) - Publications of Lowell Obs., Flagstaff, Arizona,
1971 (Catalogs <I/79> and <I/112>)
GD = H.L. Giclas White Dwarfs (Lowell Obs.)
Gl = W. Gliese, 'Catalogue of Nearby Stars', Veroeff. Astron.
Rechen-Inst. Heidelberg nr.22, 1969; W. Gliese, H. Jahreiss,
'Nearby star data published 1969-1978', Astron. Astrophys.
Suppl. 38, 423 (1979A&AS...38..423G); see catalog <V/70>
HD = Henry Draper Catalogue - A.J. Cannon and E.C. Pickering,
Havard Obs. Ann. 91 - 99, 1918-1924; A. J. Cannon, Harvard Obs.
Ann. 100, 1925 - 1936; see catalog <III/135>
He = A number of lists of planetary nebulae and emission-line
stars by K. Henize
HII = E. Hertzsprung, 'Catalogue de 3259 Etoiles dans les
Pleiades', Ann. Sterrewacht Leiden, 19, pt. 1A, 1947
HRC = G.H. Herbig, N.K. Rao, 'Second Catalog of Emission-line
Stars of the Orion Population', Astrophys. J. 174, 401
(1972ApJ...174..401H); G.H. Herbig, K.R. Bell,
'Third Catalog of Emission-Line Stars of the Orion Population',
Lick Obs. Bull. no. 1111, 1988 (catalog <V/73>)
HV = Harvard variables
IRC = G. Neugebauer, R.B. Leighton, 'Two-Micron Sky Survey, A
Preliminary Catalog', NASA SP-3047, 1969; catalog <II/2>
LH = Lick H Alpha: A number of lists of emission-line stars by
G.H. Herbig
MH = Mount Wilson H-Alpha Stars, see references for MWC and AS
MWC = P.W. Merrill, C.G. Burwell, 'Catalogue and Bibliography of
Stars of Classes B and A Whose Spectra have Bright Hydrogen
Lines', Astrophys. J. 78, 87 (1933ApJ....78...87M)
(Mount Wilson Catalogue); Supplements: Astrophys. J. 98, 153
(1943ApJ....98..153M); 110, 387 (1949ApJ...110..387M)
OH = OH sources designated by their galactic coordinates
Par = A List of Stars in the Region of the Orion Nebula (P.P.
Parenago, Sternberg Inst. Publ. vol. 25, 1954; catalog <II/171>)
PG = Palomar-Green survey
S = Preliminary designations of variables discovered at Sonneberg
SAO = 'Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog', parts
I-IV, Smithsonian Inst. Washington, 1966 (catalog <I/131>)
SVS = Soviet Variable Stars (preliminary designations of
Soviet-discovered variables)
VV = Vatican variable stars
WD = G.P. Mc Cook, E.M. Sion, 'Catalog of Spectroscopically
Identified White Dwarfs', Astrophys. J. Suppl. 65, 603
(1987ApJS...65..603M); see catalog <III/129>.
WR = K.A. van der Hucht et al. 'The Sixth Catalogue of Galactic
Wolf-Rayet Stars, Their Past and Present', Space Sci. Rev. 28,
227, 1981 (Catalog <III/85>)
Note on m_Seq, m_Variable:
Designations of components of double/multiple stars:
A,B,C ...; a,b,c ...; 1,2,3 ...; the symbols
P = preceding, F = following, N = northern, S = southern
may also appear.
In the cases of ADS 03201 and ADS 03202 the symbols
k1 and k2 mean kappa 1 and kappa 2, respectively.
Note on Vname: name of the object in the GCVS, its Volume V, or the NSV.
Lower- and upper-case latin letters must be distinguished
(e.g. u Her and U Her).
Byte-by-byte Description of file: evs_cat.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 3 I3 --- GalNo *[89/123] Galaxy code
4- 7 I4 --- VarNo *Variable star number within the galaxy
9- 20 A12 --- Name *Variable star designation
21 A1 --- RemFlag [*] indicates a remark in file evs_rem.dat
22- 23 I2 h RAh *Right ascension, equinox 1950.0
24- 25 I2 min RAm (minutes)
26- 30 F5.2 s RAs (seconds)
31 A1 --- DE- sign of declination, 1950.0
32- 33 I2 deg DEd *Declination, equinox 1950.0
34- 35 I2 arcmin DEm (arc minutes)
36- 39 F4.1 arcsec DEs (arc seconds)
40 A1 --- u_DEs *[":*!] accuracy flags
41- 48 A8 --- VarType *Type of variability
49- 53 F5.2 mag magMax ?Magnitude at maximum brightness
54 A1 --- u_magMax Uncertainty flag (:) on magMax
55 A1 --- l_magMin *[<(] magMin is an upper limit or amplitude
56- 60 F5.2 mag magMin *?Magnitude at minimum brightness, or
61 A1 --- u_magMin Uncertainty flag (:) on magMin
62 A1 --- n_magMin *[)] ")" if magMin is an amplitude
63 A1 --- magCode *Code for photometric system
64- 77 F14.6 d Epoch *?Epoch
78 A1 --- u_Epoch Uncertainty flag on Epoch
79 A1 --- l_P *[(] '(' for U Gem
80- 92 F13.8 d P *?Period
93 A1 --- u_P Uncertainty flag (:) on P
94 A1 --- n_P *[)] ')' for U Gem
95- 96 I2 % M-m/D *?M-m or D
97 A1 --- u_M-m/D Uncertainty flag (:) on M-m/D
98 A1 --- n_M-m/D *[*] Note for eclipsing variable
99-104 A6 --- SpType *Spectrum
106-108 A3 --- evsRef1 Reference for study of the star,
see file evs_ref.dat
109-111 A3 --- evsRef2 Reference for chart or photograph,
see file evs_ref.dat
113-126 A14 --- Desig1 designation in paper Ref1
127-138 A12 --- Desig2 designation in paper Ref2
139-146 A8 --- VarName Designation in gcvs.dat or nsv.dat
148-149 A2 --- nonMem *[n: ] Non-member note
150-153 I4 yr YearNova *? Year of outburst
154 A1 --- u_YearNova [:] Uncertainty flag on YearNova
Note on GalNo: Code identifying the galaxy.
This numbering system begins with 089, the first 88 codes being
reserved for constellations (cf. catalog <II/139>).
Note that NGC 1466 is a globular cluster (not a galaxy) between the
LMC and the SMC; we presented it separately, because it is not clear
to which galaxy to attribute its variable stars.
Note on VarNo: variable star No within the galaxy.
Number of the variable star in the galaxy. If in the literature for
the considered galaxy there exist several different variable star
numbering systems, we have introduced new numbers in the order of
increasing right ascension for the equinox 1950.0. But if the variable
star numbering system for the galaxy is practically of general use, we
have retained it - if necessary, with additional numbers ordered by
increasing right ascension.
Note on Name: Variable star Designation.
The name of the variable in the adopted system of variable star
designations: name of the galaxy + "V" + variable star No. within the
galaxy (see column VarNo)
Note on RAh, DEd:
If the star's coordinates are only roughly known, they are
nevertheless formally presented to one second of time in right
ascension (with the decimal point following) and to one arcsecond in
declination (with the decimal point following). See column u_DEs
which indicates the real accuracy.
Note on u_DEs:
the real coordinates accuracy uses the symbols:
(") means right ascensions accurate to one second of time and
declinations accurate to one arcsecond;
(:) means declinations accurate to one tenth of an arcminute;
(*) means declinations accurate to one arcminute.
(!) for V0474 in the Sculptor system, the listed coordinates
refer to the galaxy's center since the coordinates of the
star itself are unknown.
Note on VarType: type of variability.
The classification systems corresponds to the GCVS vols. I-III
(catalog <II/139>), with the addition of the new "BLBOO" type, called
after the prototype star BL Boo = NGC 5466 V19 referring to the
so-called "anomalous Cepheids", i.e. stars with periods characteristic
of comparatively long-period RRAB variables, but considerably brighter
by luminosity. There are also suspected variables designated by the
symbol "var:".
Note on l_magMin, magMin, n_magMin:
minMag contains the minimum brightness, or the variability amplitude
instead (in brackets, i.e. l_magMin='(' and n_magMin=')').
(<) means that minMag is an upper limit (light)
Note on magCode: designation of the photometric band.
P means photographic magnitudes,
V means visual or photovisual magnitudes as well as V system magnitudes.
In the latter case, they are usually distinguishable from visual
magnitudes by the number of digits after the decimal point (as a rule,
V system magnitudes are based upon photoelectric or CCD photometry).
Letters U, B, R, I, J, H, K, L, M, N, O, Q mean, as a rule, magnitudes
expressed in corresponding systems of broad-band photometry.
Note on Epoch, YearNova:
The epoch expressed as Julian Date. For eclipsing and ellipsoidal
variables, RV Tau and RS CVn stars, the catalogue gives epochs of
minimum light, and for the rest of variables, epoch of maximum light.
For novae (types N) and supernovae (types SN), the Epoch is completed
by a year of outburst (YearNova column).
Note on l_P, P, l_P, n_P:
For U Gem stars and recurrent novae, the P column gives (in brackets)
the mean cycle value, if known.
Note on M-m/D, n_M-m/D:
Duration of light increase from minimum to maximum (M-m) for intrinsic
variable stars or the eclipse duration (D) for Algol type variables
are expressed in hundredths of the photometric period for the star in
question. An asterisk (*) in n_M-m/D means, for an eclipsing variable,
that the duration of the constant brightness phase in minimum (d) for
this star is equal to zero.
Note on SpType:
If there exist several spectral type determinations for a star, we
preferred more recent ones, taking into account reliability of each
determination. We converted symbols "d"
(dwarfs) and "g" (giants) into luminosity classes V and III. If a nova
showed spectral features typical of novae during or after the
outburst, a symbol (NOVA) is given in this column. If the spectrum
shows features characteristic of U Gem variables, this column contains
the symbol (UG). Continuous spectrum is designated "cont", the symbol
"e" means emission spectrum, lower case letters "ea", "eb" in this
column stand for "e alpha", "e beta". For RR Lyrae stars, spectral
types from hydrogen lines are given. A plus sign (+) between two
spectral type values means that spectra of two components of a
spectroscopic binary are observed. Two spectral type values separated
with a minus sign (-) mean the range of spectral type variations in
the process of brightness changes.
Note on nonMem:
Symbols "n" or "n:" for nonmembers (possible nonmembers) of the galaxy
in question. For the stars that enter the GCVS vols. I-III (file
gcvs.dat) or the NSV catalogue (file "nsv.dat") and are not members
of the corresponding galaxy, the present volume gives only the running
number, coordinates, the symbol "n", and the GCVS or NSV name.
Byte-by-byte Description of file: evs_rem.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 12 A12 --- Name *Variable star designation
14- 82 A69 --- Text Text of remark
Note on Name:
When more than one line is required, this field is repeated.
Byte-by-byte Description of file: evs_ref.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 3 A3 --- evsRef Reference number, repeated if more than 1 line
4 A1 --- --- [.] Period ending number
6- 80 A75 --- Text Text of reference
Byte-by-byte Description of file: sn_cat.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 6 A6 --- SN Supernova designation
7 A1 --- n_SN [-?] Doubtful (?), or rejected (-) SN
8 A1 --- RemFlag [*] The '*' indicates a remark in sn_rem.dat
10- 19 A10 --- Gal *Parent galaxy designation
21- 22 I2 h RAh ?RA 1950 (hours) of Parent galaxy
23- 24 I2 min RAm ?Right Ascension 1950 (minutes)
25- 28 F4.1 s RAs ?Right Ascension 1950 (seconds)
29 A1 --- DE- Declination 1950 (sign)
30- 31 I2 deg DEd ?Declination Deg. 1950 of Parent galaxy
32- 33 I2 arcmin DEm ?Declination 1950 (minutes)
34- 35 I2 arcsec DEs ?Declination 1950 (seconds)
36 A1 --- u_DEs *[":'] Accuracy flags
37- 42 A6 --- MType Type of the parent galaxy
43- 47 F5.2 mag BT ?Integrated magnitude of parent galaxy
48 A1 --- u_BT [: ]Uncertainty flag (:) on BT
49 A1 --- n_BT [BJV] Band indicator, blank for photographic
51- 58 A8 --- maxDate *Date of the SN's maximum or of discovery
60- 64 F5.2 mag magMax ?Magnitude at maximum (light) of SN
65 A1 --- u_magMax [: ]Uncertainty flag (:) on magMax
66 A1 --- n_magMax [BJVRIKr] Band indicator, blank for
67 A1 --- f_magMax *[*] '*' if maximum not observed
69- 73 F5.1 arcsec dRA *?Distance of SN from galaxy nucleus
74- 75 A2 --- oRA [NSEW:? ] Orientation of dRA
77- 81 F5.1 arcsec dDE *?Distance of SN from galaxy nucleus
82- 83 A2 --- oDE [NSEW:? ] Orientation of dDE
84- 85 I2 h RASN.h ?Right Ascension 1950 (hours) of SN
86- 87 I2 min RASN.m ?Right Ascension 1950 (minutes)
88- 91 F4.1 s RASN.s ?Right Ascension 1950 (seconds)
92 A1 --- DESN.- Declination 1950 (sign)
93- 94 I2 deg DESN.d ?Declination 1950 (degrees) of SN
95- 96 I2 arcmin DESN.m ?Declination 1950 (minutes)
97- 98 I2 arcsec DESN.s ?Declination 1950 (seconds)
99 A1 --- u_DESN.s *[":'] accuracy flags on SN position
100-105 A6 --- SNType *SN classification
107-122 A16 --- Discov *Name of the SN discoverer
123-125 A3 --- snRef1 *Reference for study of the star
126-128 A3 --- snRef2 *Reference for chart or photograph
Note on Gal:
"N" means NGC catalogue numbers,
"I" refers to the IC catalogue,
"U" to the UGC catalogue,
"M" to the MCG catalogue,
"E" to ESO survey lists.
"An" means an anonymous galaxy
"Intergal" is for cases when the supernova cannot be reliably
attributed to a particular galaxy and is considered intergalactic.
Note on u_DEs, u_DESN.s:
The real coordinates accuracy is denoted by
(") means right ascensions accurate to one second of time and
declinations accurate to one arcsecond;
(:) means declinations accurate to one tenth of an arcminute;
(') means declinations accurate to one arcminute.
Note on maxDate, f_magMax:
The date of the SN's maximum or of discovery, or of an isolated
observation at high brightness. If maxDate or f_magMax contains an
asterisk (*), it means that the date and/or the magnitude refer not to
the maximum (not covered with observations), but to the EPOCH OF
DISCOVERY or to an isolated observation at high brightness. As a rule,
information about maxima was not included if it was based on
considerable extrapolation.
Note on dRA:
In line 393, 1970K, the offset is 0.3E
Note on dDE:
In line 732, 1988T, the offset is 0.4N
Note on SNType:
Limited to types I (I-A, I-B) and II (II-l, II-pl), with possible
indications of peculiarities (pec).
Note on Discov:
In case of several discoverers, the name of the first author of the
discovery is given followed by "+" symbol. As a rule, information on
independent rediscoveries is not presented in the remarks, for the
sake of brevity. The abbreviation "BASST" in this column means that
the supernova was discovered by the Berkeley Automated Supernova
Search Team.
Note on snRef1 and snRef2:
See file sn_ref.dat
Byte-by-byte Description of file: sn_rem.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 6 A6 --- SN Supernova designation, repeated if more than 1 line
7 A1 --- n_SN [-?] Doubtful (?), or rejected (-) SN
9- 80 A72 --- Text Text of remarks
Byte-by-byte Description of file: sn_ref.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 3 A3 --- snRef Reference number, repeated if more than 1 line
4 A1 --- --- [. ] Period following Reference number
6- 80 A75 --- Text Text of reference
Byte-by-byte Description of file: nl_ref.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 2 A2 --- NLnum Name-List number
3- 5 A3 --- Ref *Reference number
7- 80 A74 --- Text Text of reference
Note on Ref:
In the present version the authors attempted to give Latin
transliterations of Russian-language names of astronomical periodicals
and books. They did not try to unify the Latin spelling of names
with Cyrillic (or other) original forms, but simply tried to reproduce
the Latin transcriptions in the publications referred to. Of course this
may lead to some confusion, hopefully minor. If a paper enters lists of
references of several Name-Lists, it appears several times in the
present version.
Byte-by-byte Description of file: nsv.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 5 I5 --- NSV NSV number
6 A1 --- NSVLetter *NSV letter suffix
7 A1 --- u_NSV [-]Dubitancy flag
if a star's variability seems doubtful
or erroneous to the catalog compilers
8 A1 --- NoteFlag1 *[*] Notes in published catalog
9- 10 I2 h RAh *?Hours RA, equinox 1950.0
11- 12 I2 min RAm *?Minutes RA, equinox 1950.0
13- 16 F4.1 s RAs *?Seconds RA, equinox 1950.0
17 A1 --- DE- *Sign Dec, equinox 1950.0
18- 19 I2 deg DEd *?Degrees Dec, equinox 1950.0
20- 21 I2 arcmin DEm *?Minutes Dec, equinox 1950.0
22- 23 I2 arcsec DEs *?Seconds Dec, equinox 1950.0
24 A1 --- u_DEs *[:*] accuracy flags
25- 29 A5 --- VarType *Type of variability
31- 35 F5.2 mag magMax *?Magnitude at maximum brightness
36 A1 --- u_magMax [:]Uncertainty flag on magMax
38- 39 A2 --- l_magMin [><(] "<" if magMin is a bright limit
"(" if magMin is an amplitude; with
"><" prefix, the amplitude in the
table is a lower or upper limit.
40- 45 F6.3 mag magMin *?Minimum magnitude or amplitude
46- 47 A2 --- u_magMin [st:] a light amplitude is reported for
the minimum and it is given in steps
Uncertainty flag (:) on magMin
48 A1 --- f_magMin [)] ")" if magMin is an amplitude
49 A1 --- magCode *The photometric system for magnitudes
51- 57 A7 --- Ref1 *Reference to a study of the star
see the document by Kukarkin et al.(1982)
59- 67 A9 --- Desig *Designation in paper Ref1
69- 70 A2 --- SpType *Spectral type
72- 77 A6 --- Ref2 *Chart reference
see the document by Kukarkin et al.(1982)
79- 88 A10 --- VarName *Designation in GCVS
89 A1 --- NoteFlag2 [*] Notes in catalog GCVS Vol.V
Note on NSVLetter:
The letter "A" is present for one star, NSV 10360A,
which is a completely different object from NSV 10360.
Note on NoteFlag1:
See the document by Kukarkin et al.(1982).
There are several data fields that can contain asterisks. These
signify that more complete information will be found in the remarks to
the published catalog. The remarks are, unfortunately, not machine
readable, but they do contain much supplemental information. There,
one will find information covering situations like, e.g.:
1. The discoverer of the light variability is not the author of the
paper cited in the variability reference, or is one of several
authors of the paper cited. In these cases, discoverers' names
are given in italics in original transcriptions of the remarks.
2. The most important additional information about a star, although
the NSV compilers did not intend to present complete
bibliographies for any catalogued stars.
3. Remarks for visual binaries (in parentheses following the number
of a star in the corresponding catalog) giving visual magnitudes
for the individual components A and B, angular separations, and
position angles for faint components (or semimajor axis of a
relative orbit and period of orbital motion). Data for other
components are then given where applicable. (Combined magnitudes
are generally reported in the machine-readable table.)
Note on RAh, RAm, RAs, DE-, DEd, DEm, DEs:
The position is not listed when the variable is equivalent to a GCVS
star (column VarName).
Note on u_DEs:
The actual accuracy of coordinates is indicated with the symbols:
(:) means right ascensions accurate to one second of time and
declinations accurate to one tenth of an arcminute;
(*) means declinations accurate to one arcminute.
Note on VarType: type of variability.
The system of variable star classification corresponds to the GCVS4
(see file "vartype.txt").
Note on magMax, magMin:
Magnitudes are reported to hundredths if the observations are
photoelectric, to tenths or whole magnitudes if they are not. If only
an amplitude has been measured photoelectrically, then the maximum
magnitude is generally given to tenths only and the minimum is reported
to hundredths.
Note on magCode:
The photometric system in which magMin and magMax are
reported (see also Note on n_magMax, n_magMin). The main codes are P
(photographic magnitudes) and V (visual, photovisual, or Johnson's V).
Note on Ref1:
Usually a 6-digit number coding, as a rule, the reference to the
announcement of the discovery of variability. The first two digits
give the year (in the 20th century) when the announcement was
published (blank for the 19th century). The next four digits give the
number in the list of references contained in the published catalog,
which is generally the first publication announcing the possible
variability. The numbers are followed by a letter code in most cases
(byte 57) with the following meanings:
K: the cited paper contains a chart or photograph of the field with
the suspected variable marked.
D: the cited paper does not contain a chart, but the star is
catalogued in one of the Durchmusterungen (DM) (BD,CD,CPD).
Note on Desig:
The identification of the suspected variable in the
paper referenced above. DM numbers are given without a prefix, the
standard naming convention of "The Henry Draper Catalogue" being used
(BD for zones +89 to -22; CD for -23 to -51; CP for -52 to -89).
Some identifications are given by coordinate designations, a 6-digit
number consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds (or tenths of a minute)
of time and degrees of declination with sign included. An asterisk (*)
signifies that a designation is given in the remarks to the published
Stars are sometimes designated with numbers from the catalogs of Zinner
(ZI, 1929) and Prager (PR, 1934, 1937) because the original discovery
publications were not available to the NSV compilers. The catalogs of
Zinner and Prager give detailed references to early observations of such
Note on SpType:
Temperature classes and subclasses only are given.
Most luminosity classes are III to V, but if a star is a supergiant,
more detailed classification information is given in the remarks to the
published catalog. The following symbols are used:
E emission spectrum
EA e sub alpha
EV variable emission in spectrum
T characteristics of T Tauri stars
Note on Ref2:
The coding for the numbers is similar to that used
in the variability references described above, except that there are no
letter codes. These are references to papers containing identification
charts if no charts are given in the papers cited for the variability
Note on VarName:
1) The alternative name of the variable. All necessary information on
the star is to be found under that alternative name, in the gcvs.dat
2) The star's name in the GCVS Vol. V (see the file v.zip, where the
explanation of the designations is also given). In this case, the
symbol "*" in column 89 means the presence of remarks in Vol. V.
The ADC thanks Drs. Samus and Durlevich for providing us with the
up-to-date, machine-readable version of the GCVS and the Name Lists.
This ReadMe is based on the one prepared by them and the four *.txt.
History of the Machine-Readable Catalogs:
This catalogue gathers the files previously numbered
<II/139> (GCVS4, vols I-III), <II/172> (GCVS4, vol, IV),
<II/205> (GCVS4, vol. V), <II/140> (New Suspected Variables), and
<II/195> (Name-Lists).
Catalogues <II/139> and <II/140> were first documented by Warren
(1988, 1989); the documentation for the catalogues <II/172> and
<II/205> was prepared by N.N. Samus and O.V. Durlevich (Moscow),
with F. Ochsenbein (CDS).
The first version of this Combined Catalogue (September 1997) was
prepared by N. Roman (ADC) with the help of N.N. Samus and O.V.
Durlevich (Moscow).
The second version of this Combined Catalogue (August 1998), which
incorporates the 73rd Name-List of Variable Stars and improved
equatorial positions in Andromeda, Antlia and Apus, was prepared by
N.N. Samus and O.V. Durlevich. Files were slightly reformatted at CDS
(F. Ochsenbein) to have searchable epochs.
The version 1.2 of the file "crossid.dat" was included on 22 May 1999.
A further correction (QW Nor = NSV 7374 instead of NSV 7334) was applied
on 16-Jun-1999 at CDS (message from N.N. Samus to F. Ochsenbein)
Acknowledgements in original documents:
The computer-readable version of the Name-List files has been compiled
by O.V. Durlevich, N.A.Gorynya, E.V.Kazarovets, and N.N. Samus, with
the assistance of E.N.Pastukhova. We wish to thank O.Yu.Malkov for his
kind consultations during the preparation of the first
computer-readable version of Name-Lists. Thanks are due to S.V.
Antipin for his assistance during GSC identifications and positional
The crossid.dat was supported in part by the Russian Foundation
for Basic Research (grant 95-02-05189) and by the Federal Program
'Astronomy' (grant 93-3-182).
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the work
on variable star catalogues by the International Astronomical Union
until 1994. The final stage of the work on evs*.dat and sn*.dat was
also supported by the European Southern Observatory (grant ESO C&EE
A-02-047). The variable star studies were also sponsored through a
grant of the Russian Federation programme "Astronomy". The authors are
grateful to the American Association of Variable Star Observers who
provided a grant for us in 1994. The printing of the book version was
supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The Sternberg
Institute part of the author team is grateful for the grant supplied
through the program "Universities of Russia" in 1993.
They wish to thank all astronomers who sent us their results prior to
publication, gave us good advice, helped practically or with ideas. We
would like to thank specially Drs. S.V. Antipin, V.P. Arkhipova, M.
Bessell, Yu.N. Efremov, M.P. Galkina, Sh. Hughes, K.V. Kuimov, V.G.
Kurt, T. Lloyd Evans, C. Lopez, R.I. Noskova, A.S. Sharov, Yu.A.
Shokin, D.Yu. Tsvetkov, A.V. Zharov, A.V. Zharova.
Authors' addresses:
N.N. Samus [Moscow Inst. Astron.]
O.V. Durlevich [Sternberg Astron. Inst., Moscow]
Aitken, R. G. 1932, "New General Catalogue of Double Stars within 120
Degrees of the North Pole", Carnegie Institution of Washington Pub. 417
(Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington).
Argelander, F. 1859-62, "Bonner Sternverzeichnis. Erste bis dritte
Sektion", Astronomischen Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte der
Koeniglichen Rhein. (Cat. <I/122>)
Artiukhina N.M., Durlevich O.V., Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P., Gorynya
N.A., Karitskaya E.A., Kazarovets E.V., Kholopov P.N., Kireeva N.N.,
Kurochkin N.E., Lipunova N.A., Medvedeva G.I., Pastukhova E.N., Samus
N.N., Tsvetkova T.M., 1995, General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4rd
ed., vol.V. Extragalactic Variable Stars, "Kosmosinform", Moscow
Cannon, A. J. and Pickering, E. C. 1918-1924, "The Henry Draper Catalogue",
Ann. Astron. Obs. Harvard College 91-99. (Cat. <III/135>)
Dreyer, J. L. E. 1888, "New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of
Stars", Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc. 49, Part I (reprinted 1962, London:
Royal Astronomical Society) (see Cat. <VII/1>)
Durlevich O.V., Frolov M.S., Kazarovets E.V., Samus N.N, 1996,
Bull. Inf. CDS 48, 35
Durlevich O.V., Frolov M.S., Kazarovets E.V., Samus N.N., 1994,
The list of errors in the GCVS, 4th edition. I. Volumes I-III, Bull.
Inf. CDS, 45, 19
Gill, D. and Kapteyn, J. C. 1895-1900, "Cape Photographic Durchmusterung,
Ann. Cape Obs." 3 (1895, Part I: zones -18 to -37); 4 (1897, Part II:
zones -38 to -52); 5 (1900, Part III: zones -53 to -89; Cat. <I/108>).
Hoffleit, D. (with the collaboration of Jaschek, C.) 1982, "The Bright Star
Catalogue" (New Haven: Yale University Observatory; see Cat. <V/50>).
Kazarovets E.V., Samus N.N., Goranskij V.P., 1993IBVS.3840....1K
Kazarovets E.V., Samus N.N., 1995IBVS.4140....1K
Kholopov P.N., Samus N.N., Durlevich O.V., Kazarovets E.V., Kireeva N.N.,
Tsvetkova T.M., 1990, General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4rd ed.,
vol.IV(Moscow, Nauka Publishing House, Cat. <II/205>)
Kholopov P.N., Samus N.N., Durlevich O.V., Kazarovets E.V., Kireeva N.N.,
Tsvetkova T.M., 1992, Bull. Inf. CDS, 40, 15.
Kholopov P.N., Samus N.N., Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P., Gorynya N.A.,
Karitskaya E.A., Kazarovets E.V., Kireeva N.N., Kukarkina N.P.,
Kurochkin N.E., Medvedeva G.I., Pastukhova E.N., Perova N.B.,
Rastorguev A.S., Shugarov S.Yu., 1985 -- 1988, General Catalogue of
Variable Stars, 4rd ed., vols. I -- III, Nauka, Moscow; Cat. <II/139>.
Kuestner, F. 1903, "Bonner Durchmusterung des Noerdlichen Himmels, zweite
berichtigte Auflage", Bonn Universitats Sternwarte. (Cat. <I/122>)
New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars, Kukarkin B.V., Kholopov P.N.,
Artiukhina N.M., Fedorovich V.P., Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P., Gorynya
N.A., Karitskaya E.A., Kireeva N.N., Kukarkina N.P., Kurochkin N.E.,
Medvedeva G.I., Perova N.B., Ponomareva G.A., Samus N.N., and Shugarov
S.Yu. 1982, Moscow: Nauka Publishing House Office. (Cat. <II/140>)
Kukarkin, B. V., Kholopov, P. N., Efremov, Yu. N., and Kurochkin, N. E. 1965,
"Second Catalogue of Stars Suspected of Variability" (Moscow:
Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.).
Kukarkin, B. V., Parenago, P. P., Efremov, Yu. N., and Kholopov, P. N. 1951,
"Catalogue of Stars Suspected of Variability" (Moscow: Publishing
House of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.).
Neugebauer, G. and Leighton, R. B. 1969, "Two-Micron Sky Survey, A
Preliminary Catalog", NASA SP-3047 (Washington, D.C.: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration; cat. <II/2>).
Parenago, P. P. 1954, Trudy Sternberg Astron. Inst. No. 25.
Prager, R. 1934, Ergaenz. Astron. Nachr. 9, No. 3.
Prager, R. 1937, Ergaenz. Astron. Nachr. 10, No. 1.
Schoenfeld, E. 1886, "Bonner Sternverzeichniss" , Vierte Sektion,
Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte der Koeniglichen
Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn 8, Part IV (Bonn:
Adolph Marcus; cat. <I/119>).
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Staff 1966, "Star Catalog. Positions
and Proper Motions of 258,997 Stars for the Epoch and Equinox of 1950.0",
Publ. of the Smithsonian Institution of Washington, D.C., No. 4652
(Washington: Smithsonian Institution); see cat. <I/131>
Sulentic, J. W. and Tifft, W. G. 1973, "The Revised New General Catalogue of
Nonstellar Astronomical Objects" (Tucson: The University of Arizona
Press); cat. <VII/1>.
Thome, J. M. 1892-1932, "Cordoba Durchmusterung, Resultados del Observatorio
Nacional Argentino" 16 (1892, Part I: -22 to -32 Degrees), 17 (1894,
Part II: -32 to -42 Degrees), 18 (1900, Part III: -42 to -52 Degrees),
21 (Part I) (1914, Part IV, -52 to -62 Degrees), 21 (Part II) (1932,
Part V: -61 to -90 Degrees); cat. <I/114>.
Warren, W.H., Jr. 1988, "New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars",
Documentation for the Machine-Readable Version, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 88-24.
Warren, W.H., Jr. 1989, "General Catalogue of Variable Stars", 4th edition,
Documentation for the Machine-Readable Version, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 88-23
Zinner, E. 1929, Ergaenz. Astron. Nachr. 8, No. 1.
(End) N.N. Samus, O.V. Durlevich [Moscow Inst.], F. Ochsenbein [CDS] 21-Apr-1999
II/219 New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars Supplement (Kazarovets+ 1998)
New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars. Supplement - Version 1.0
Kazarovets E.V., Durlevich O.V., Samus N.N.
<Institute of Astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences and
Sternberg Astronomical Institute (1988)>
ADC_Keywords: Stars, variable;
This catalog is a compilation of 11206 stars suspected of variability
and not finally designated as variables prior to 1997. It is the
supplementary part to the "New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars"
published in 1982 (Kukarkin et al., file "nsv.dat" included here).
Data contained in the present catalog include positions, magnitudes,
variability types, references to the literature, spectra and
cross-identifications. The computer version of the NSV Supplement
contains principally the same data as the printed catalog, the data
tables with the textual material (bibliography, remarks) are included.
File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
nsvs.dat 114 11206 The NSV Supplement Catalog
ident.dat 99 39175 Identifications
remark.dat 80 6195 Remarks
refs.dat 80 2784 References
nsv.dat 89 14811 *New Suspected Variables (Kukarkin et al. 1982)
Note on nsv.dat: NSV 7334 was corrected in June 1999
(see "History" section below)
See also:
II/214 : The combined GCVS4.1 (Kholopov+, 1998)
ftp://ftp.sai.msu.su, /pub/groups/cluster/gcvs/gcvs/nsvsup/ : (anonymous)
http://www.sai.msu.su/groups/cluster/gcvs/gcvs/ : GCVS pages
Byte-by-byte Description of file: nsvs.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 5 I5 --- NSV [15001/26206]+ NSV number
6 A1 --- RemFlag *[*] indicates a remark in file remark.dat
8- 9 I2 h RAh Hours RA, equinox 1950.0
10- 11 I2 min RAm Minutes RA, equinox 1950.0
12- 15 F4.1 s RAs Seconds RA, equinox 1950.0
16 A1 --- DE- Sign Dec, equinox 1950.0
17- 18 I2 deg DEd Degrees Dec, equinox 1950.0
19- 20 I2 arcmin DEm Minutes Dec, equinox 1950.0
21- 22 I2 arcsec DEs Seconds Dec, equinox 1950.0
23 A1 --- u_DEs *[:*] accuracy flags
25- 26 I2 h RA2000h Hours RA, equinox 2000.0
27- 28 I2 min RA2000m Minutes RA, equinox 2000.0
29- 32 F4.1 s RA2000s Seconds RA, equinox 2000.0
33 A1 --- DE2000- Sign Dec, equinox 2000.0
34- 35 I2 deg DE2000d Degrees Dec, equinox 2000.0
36- 37 I2 arcmin DE2000m Minutes Dec, equinox 2000.0
38- 39 I2 arcsec DE2000s Seconds Dec, equinox 2000.0
41- 46 A6 --- VarType *Type of variability
48 A1 --- l_magMax [><] "<" if magMax is a bright limit,
">" if magMax is a faint limit,
49- 53 F5.2 mag magMax *? Magnitude at maximum brightness
54 A1 --- u_magMax [:]Uncertainty flag on magMax
56- 57 A2 --- l_magMin [><( ] "(" if magMin is an amplitude;
with "><" prefix, the amplitude in
the table is a lower or upper limit
58- 63 F6.3 mag magMin *? Minimum magnitude or amplitude
64 A1 --- n_magMin *The photometric system for amplitudes
65 A1 --- f_magMin [)] ")" if magMin is an amplitude
66 A1 --- u_magMin Uncertainty flag (:) on magMin or amplitude
68- 69 A2 --- magCode *The photometric system for magnitudes and
71- 74 A4 --- r_NSV *Reference to a study of the star
(see file refs.dat)
76- 79 A4 --- Ref2 *Chart reference (see file refs.dat)
81- 95 A15 --- SpType1 *Spectral type
97-104 A8 --- SpType2 Spectral type from HD catalog in brackets
106-114 A9 --- VarName *Designation in GCVS
Note on RemFlag: There are several data fields that can contain
asterisks. These signify that more complete information will be found
in the remarks to the published catalog. The remarks are machine
readable, they do contain much supplemental information. There, one
will find information covering situations like, e.g.:
1. The discoverer of the light variability is not the author of the
paper cited in the variability reference, or is one of several
authors of the paper cited. In these cases, discoverers' names are
given in original transcriptions of the remarks.
2. The most important additional information about a star, although
the NSV Supplement compilers did not intend to present complete
bibliographies for any catalogued stars.
3. Remarks for visual binaries giving visual magnitudes for the
individual components A and B, angular separations, and position
angles for faint components (or semimajor axis of a relative orbit
and period of orbital motion). Then, data for other components are
given where applicable. (Combined magnitudes are generally reported
in the machine-readable table.)
Note on u_DEs: The actual accuracy of coordinates is indicated with
the symbols: (:) means right ascensions accurate to one second of
time and declinations accurate to one tenth of an arcminute;
(*) means declinations accurate to one arcminute.
Note on magMax, magMin: The star's magnitude in minimum and maximum
brightness. Instead of the magnitude in minimum, the star's amplitude
of variation may be indicated (in brackets). Magnitudes are reported
to hundredths if the observations are photoelectric or CCD, to tenths
or whole magnitudes if they are not. If only an amplitude has been
measured photoelectrically, then the maximum magnitude is generally
given to tenths only and the minimum is reported to hundredths.
Note on n_magMin and magCode: The photometric system in which magMin
and magMax are reported. The main codes are V (visual, photovisual,
or Johnson's V), B (Johnson's B) and P (photographic magnitudes). The
designations u, v, b, y refer to the Stroemgren system. The symbols
Ic, Rc mean magnitudes in Cousins' I, R system; Hp, T - in Hipparcos
and Tycho mission systems; J, H, K, L, M - infrared magnitudes.
Note on VarType: Type of variability. The system of variable star
classification corresponds to the GCVS4, with six additions (ZZO, AM,
R, BE, LBV, BLBOO) introduced in the Name-Lists 67-72 and in the GCVS
vol.V. Brief descriptions only are given here:
ACV, ACVO Alpha2 Canum Venaticorum
ACYG Alpha Cygni
BCEP, BCEPS Beta Cephei
BL BL Lacertae
BY BY Draconis
CEP Cepheid
CST constant
CW W Virginis
DCEP Delta Cephei
DSCT, DSCTC Delta Scuti
E eclipsing
EA Algol (Beta Persei)
EB Beta Lyrae
EW W Ursae Majoris
ELL ellipsoidal
FKCOM FK Comae Berenices
FU FU Orionis
GAL galaxy
GCAS Gamma Cassiopejae
I irregular
IA, INA white irregular
IB, INB red irregular
IN irregular in a nebula
IT, INT irregular of the T Tauri type
IS, ISA rapid irregular
L slow
LB slow red
LBV long-period pulsating B star
M Mira (Omicron Ceti) type
N Nova
NL nova-like
NR recurrent Nova
QSO quasistellar object
RR RR Lyrae
RS RS Canum Venaticorum
RV RV Tauri
S rapid
SN supernova
SR, SRA, SRB, SRD semiregular
SXARI SX Arietis
SXPHE SX Phoenicis
UG U Geminorum
UV UV Ceti
VAR variable
WR Wolf-Rayet star
XM X-ray system with a strong magnetic field
XNA X-ray nova-like
ZAND Z Camelopardalis
Note on r_NSV: The four digits give the number in the list of references
contained in the catalog, which is generally the first publication
announcing the possible variability.
Note on Ref2: The coding for the numbers is similar to that used in
the variability references described above, except that there are also
letter codes. These are references to papers containing
identification chart or photograph of the field with the suspected
variable marked. If the cited paper does not contain a chart, but the
star is catalogued in one of the Durchmusterungen (BD,CD,CPD) or in the
Hubble Space Telescop Guide Star Catalog (GSC), then corresponding
letter codes DM or GSC are given.
Note on SpType1: Spectral types, subtypes and luminosity
classes are given. More detailed classification information is given
in the remarks to the catalog. Also the following symbols are used:
cont continuum
e emission spectrum
ea e sub alpha
* see Sp type in remarks
Note on VarName:
The alternative name of the variable. All necessary information on
the star is to be found under that alternative name in Cat. <II/214>
(file gcvs.dat)
Byte-by-byte Description of file: ident.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 5 I5 --- NSV [15001/26206]+= NSV number
7 A1 --- --- [=] Equality sign
9- 99 A91 --- ID *Identifications
Note on ID: all identifications needed to find the star in the papers
with the first (or independent) announcement of the discovery of its
variability. References to these papers (see file refs.dat) are given
in square brackets after the corresponding identification. The name
of the discoverer accompanies the reference only in the case of its
being different from the name of the author(s) of the paper referred
to. Designations of components of double or multiple system: A, B,
C, ..., A1, A2, ..., p - preceding, f - following, s - southern, n -
northern. The transliterations of greek letters are used: alpha,
beta, gamma,..., omega, etc., kappa 2, omicr 1. Different
identifications of the same star with catalogs and lists are separated
with equality sings (=). Symbol (?) marks the doubtful
identification. The following catalogs abbreviations are used (abbreviated
names for some of them are presented):
Bayer - Greek and Roman letters in the Bayer Atlas,
Flamsteed - Baily, F. 1835, "Association of J.Flamsteed, British Catalogue
of Stars".
BS (HR) - Hoffleit, D. (with the collaboration of Jaschek, C.) 1982, "The
Bright Stars Catalogue" (New Haven: Yale University Observatory) (HR
numbers are adopted from Pickering, E. C., 1908, "Harvard Revised
Photometry", Ann. Astron. Obs. Harvard College 50).
(See Cat. <V/50>)
HD - Cannon, A. J. and Pickering, E. C. 1918-1924, "The Henry Draper
Catalogue", Ann. Astron. Obs. Harvard College 91-99.
(See Cat. <III/135>)
BD - Argelander, F. 1859-62, "Bonner Sternverzeichniss. Erste bis dritte
Sektion", Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte der Koeniglichen
Rhein. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet zu Bonn, Bande 3-5. Revision of
Argelander's first edition: Schoenfeld, E. 1886, "Bonner
Sternverzeichniss", Vierte Sektion, Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der
Sternwarte der Koeniglichen Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet zu
Bonn 8, Part IV (Bonn: Adolph Marcus); Kuestner, F. 1903, "Bonner
Durchmusterung des Noerdlichen Himmels, zweite berichtigte Auflage",
Bonn Universitaets-Sternwarte.
(See Cats <I/122> and <I/119>)
CoD - Thome, J. M. 1892-1932, "Cordoba Durchmusterung, Resultados del
Observatorio Nacional Argentino" 16 (1892, Part I: -22 to -32 Degrees), 17
(1894, Part II: -32 to -42 Degrees), 18 (1900, Part III: -42 to -52
Degrees), 21 (Part I) (1914, Part IV, -52 to -62 Degrees), 21 (Part II)
(1932, Part V: -61 to -90 Degrees).
(See Cat. <I/114>)
CPD - Gill, D. and Kapteyn, J. C. 1895-1900, "Cape Photographic
Durchmusterung", Ann. Cape Obs. 3 (1895, Part I: zones -18 to -37); 4
(1897, Part II: zones -38 to -52); 5 (1900, Part III: zones -53 to -89).
(See Cat. <I/108>)
GSC - Lasker, B. M., et al. 1990, "The Guide Star Catalog. I. Astronomical
Foundations and Image Processing", A. J. 99, 2019; The Space Telescope
Science Institute 1992, "The Guide Star Catalog Version 1.1 (An all-sky
astrometric and photometric catalog to support the operation of the
Hubble Space Telescope)" on two CD-ROMs.
(See Cat. <I/220>)
HIP - European Space Agency 1997, "The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues",
SP-1200, Vols. 1-17.
(See Cat. <I/239>)
SAO - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Staff 1966, "Star Catalog.
Positions and Proper Motions of 258,997 Stars for the Epoch and Equinox of
1950.0", Publ. of the Smithsonian Institution of Washington, D.C., No.
4652. (See Cat. <I/131>)
ADS - Aitken, R. G. 1932, "New General Catalogue of Double Stars within 120
Degrees of the North Pole", Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publ.
no. 417 (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington).
IDS - Jefers, H. M., Van den Bos, W. H., Greeby, F. M. 1963, "Index
Catalogue of Visual Double Stars", Publ. Lick Obs. 21.
BDS - Burnham, S. W. 1906, "A General Catalogue of Double Stars within 120
Degrees of the North Pole", Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publ.
No. 5 (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington).
CCDM - Dommanget, J., Nys, O. 1994, "The Catalogue of Components of Double
and Multiple Stars", Comm. Obs. R. de Belg., Serie A No.115
(catalog CDS <I/211>).
IRC - Neugebauer, G. and Leighton, R. B. 1969, "Two-Micron Sky Survey, A
Preliminary Catalog", NASA SP-3047 (Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics
and Space Adminstration).
(See Cat. <II/2>)
AFGL/RAFGL - Walker, R. G., Price, S. D. 1975, "Air Force Cambridge Research
Laboratory Infrared Sky Survey", U.S. Air Force Report No. AFCRL-TR-0373;
Price, S. D., Walker, R. G. 1976 "The AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky
Survey", AFGL-TR-0208, and 1977 "The AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky Survey
Supplement", AFGL-TR-0160.
IRAS - The Joint IRAS Science Working Group 1988, "Infrared Astronomical
Satellite (IRAS) catalogs and atlases" 2-6, NASA RP-1190
(Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration).
(See Cat. <II/125>)
MWC - Merrill, P. W., Sunford, R. F., Burwell, C. G. 1933-1949, "Mount
Wilson Catalogue of stars of classes B and A whose spectra have bright
hydrogen lines", P.A.S.P. 45, 306; P.A.S.P 54, 107; Ap. J. 78, 87; Ap. J.
98, 153; Ap. J. 110, 387.
AS - Merrill, P. W., Burwell, C. G. 1950, "Additional stars whose spectra
have a bright H Alpha line", Ap. J. 112, 72.
LkHa - Herbig, G. H., et al. 1954-1974, Lists of emission-line stars.
MHa - Mount Wilson H Alpha-emission line stars, see references for MWC and
He-3 - Henize, K. G. 1976, "Observations of Southern Emission-Line Stars",
Ap. J. Suppl. 30, 491.
HRC/HBC - Herbig, G. H., Robbin Bell, K. 1988, "Third Catalog of
Emission-Line Stars of the Orion Population", Lick Obs. Bull No.1111.
Wray - Wray, J. D. 1966, "A study of H Alpha-emission objects in the
Southern Milky Way", Table XV-XIX, Univ. Microfilm Inc., Ann Arbor,
LS - Hardorp, J., et al. 1959-1971, "Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way"
I-VI, Hamburger Sternwarte - Warner and Swasey Obs., Hamburg-Bergedorf.
(See Cat. <III/76>)
LSS - Stephenson, C. B., Sanduleak, N. 1971, "Luminous Stars in the
Southern Milky Way", Publ. Warner and Swasey Obs. 1, No.1.
(See Cat. <III/43>)
CCS - Stephenson, C. B. 1973, "A General Catalogue of Cool Carbon Stars",
Publ. Warner and Swasey Obs. 1, No.4.
(See Cat. <III/156>)
Hen - Unpublished list of C-stars by K.G.Henize (given in CCS),
CSS - Stephenson, C. B. 1976, "A General Catalogue of S Stars", Publ.
Warner and Swasey Obs. 2, No.2.
(See Cat. <III/60>)
WR - Van der Hucht, K. A., et al. 1981, "The Sixth Catalogue of Galactic
Wolf-Rayer Stars", Space Sci. Rev. 28, 227.
PG - Green, R. F., et al. 1986, "Cataclysmic Variable Candidates from the
Palomar Green Survey", Ap. J. Suppl. 61, 305.
(See Cat. <II/207>)
WD - McCook, G. P., Sion, E. M. 1987, "A Catalogue of Spectroscopically
Identified White Dwarfs", Ap. J. Suppl. 65, 603.
(See Cat. <III/129>)
G - Giclas, H. L., et al. 1971-1979, "Lowell Proper Motion Survey" (red
dwarfs), Lowell Obs. Bull., Flagstaff, Arizona.
GD - Giclas, H. L., et al. 1980, "Lowell Proper Motion Survey" (white
dwarfs), Lowell Obs. Bull. 8, 157.
Eg/Gr - Eggen, O. J., Greenstein, J. L. 1965-1977, "Spectra, Colors,
Luminosities and Motions of the White Dwarfs", Ap. J. 141, 83; Ap. J. 142,
925; Ap. J. 150, 927; Ap. J. 158, 281; Ap. J. 162, L55; Ap. J. 189, L131;
Ap. J. 196, L117; Ap. J. 207, L119; Ap. J. 218, L21.
Gliese - Gliese, W. 1969, "Catalogue of Nearby Stars", Veroeff. Astron.
Rechen-Inst. Heidelberg Nr.22; Gliese, W., Jahreiss, H. 1979, "Nearby star
data published 1969-1978", Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 38, 423.
(See Cat. <V/70>)
He-2 - Henize, K. J. 1964, An extended list of southern planetary nebulae;
see PK Nomenclature.
PK - Perek, L., Kohoutek, L. 1967, "Catalogue of Galactic Planetary
Nebulae", Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of
NGC - Dreyer, J. L. E. 1888, "New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters
of Stars", Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc. 49, Part I (reprinted 1962, London: Royal
Astronomical Society); Sulentic, J. W. and Tifft, W. G. 1973, "The Revised
New General Catalogue of Nonstellar Astronomical Objects" (Tucson: The
University of Arizona Press).
(See Cat. <VII/118>)
LHS - Luyten, W. J. 1976, "A Catalog of Stars with Proper Motion exceeding
0".5 annually", Publ. of Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota;
Luyten, W. J., Albers, H. 1979, "An Atlas of Identification Chart for LHS
Stars", Publ. of Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
(See Cat. <I/87>)
LTT - Luyten, W. J. 1957, "Catalogue of 9867 Stars in the Southern
Hemisphere with Proper Motion exceeding 0".2 annually"; Luyten, W. J. 1961,
"Catalogue of 7127 Stars in the Northern Hemisphere with Proper Motion
exceeding 0".2 annually", The Lund Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
LFT - Luyten, W. J. 1955, "A Catalog of 1849 Stars with Proper Motion
exceeding 0.5" annually", The Lund Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
L - Luyten, W. J. 1941, "Proper Motion Survey with the fourty-eight inch
Schmidt Telescope", XXI, XXV, XXIX, Publ. of Univ. of Minnesota.
LP - Luyten, W. J. 1963-1981, "Proper Motion Survey with the 48 inch Schmidt
Telescope", Publ. of Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, fasc. 1-57.
LDS - Luyten, W. J. 1943, "Catalogue of 832 Double Stars with Common Proper
Motion in the Southern Hemisphere", Publ. Astron. Obs. Univ. Minnesota
3, No. 3, 33.
BPM - Luyten, W. J. 1963, "Bruce Proper Motion Survey. The general
catalogue. Vol. I, II", Publ. of Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Ross - Ross, F. E. 1925-1939, "New Proper Motion Stars", eleven successive
lists, A. J. Vol. 36 to 48.
Vys - Vyssotsky, A. N., et al. 1943-1958, "Dwarf M Stars Found
Spectrophotometrically", A. J. 61, 201; A. J. 63, 211; Ap. J. 97, 381;
Ap. J. 104, 234; Ap. J. 116, 117.
Wolf - Wolf, M. 1919, "Katalog von 1053 starken bewegten Fixsternen",
Veroeff. Sternwarte zu Heidelberg 7, No. 10, 195; and numerous lists in
Astron. Nachr. 209 to 236, 1919 to 1929.
OH - OH sources designated by their galactic co-ordinates.
HII - Hertzsprung, E. 1947, "Catalogue de 3259 Etoiles dans les Pleiades",
Ann. Sterrewacht Leiden 19, part 1A.
Par - Parenago, P. P. 1954, "A List of Star in the Region of the Orion
Nebula", Trudy Sternberg Astron. Inst. Vol. 25.
HV - Preliminary designations of variables discovered at Harvard
S - Preliminary designations of variables discovered at Sonneberg
SVS - Soviet variable stars (preliminary designations of Soviet-discovered
VV - Preliminary designations of variables discovered at Vatican.
VES - Lists of the Vatican H Alpha-emission line stars.
Byte-by-byte Description of file: remark.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 5 I5 --- NSV [15001/26206]+= NSV number
7- 80 A74 --- Text *Text of remark
Note on Text: See Note on RemFlag (nsvs.dat) and Note on ID (ident.dat).
Byte-by-byte Description of file: refs.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 4 I4 --- Ref [1,2022]+= Reference number
6- 80 A75 --- Text *Text of reference
Note on Text: We attempted to give Latin transliterations of
Russan-language names of astronomical periodicals and books. We did
not try to unify the Latin spelling of names with Cyrillic (or
other) original forms, but simply tried to reproduce the Latin
transcriptions in the publications referred to.
When several lines are needed, the reference number is repeated.
The "bibcode", if known, is added at the beginning of the text.
Byte-by-byte Description of file: nsv.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 5 I5 --- NSV [1,14811]+= NSV number
6 A1 --- m_NSV *NSV letter suffix
7 A1 --- u_NSV [-]Dubitancy flag
if a star's variability seems doubtful
or erroneous to the catalog compilers
8 A1 --- NoteFlag1 *[*] Notes in published catalog
9- 10 I2 h RAh *? Hours RA, equinox 1950.0
11- 12 I2 min RAm *? Minutes RA, equinox 1950.0
13- 16 F4.1 s RAs *? Seconds RA, equinox 1950.0
17 A1 --- DE- *? Sign Dec, equinox 1950.0
18- 19 I2 deg DEd *? Degrees Dec, equinox 1950.0
20- 21 I2 arcmin DEm *? Minutes Dec, equinox 1950.0
22- 23 I2 arcsec DEs *? Seconds Dec, equinox 1950.0
24 A1 --- u_DEs *[:*] accuracy flags
25- 29 A5 --- VarType *Type of variability
31- 35 F5.2 mag magMax *? Magnitude at maximum brightness
36 A1 --- u_magMax [:] Uncertainty flag on magMax
38- 39 A2 --- l_magMin [><( ] "<" if magMin is a bright limit
"(" if magMin is an amplitude; with
"><" prefix, the amplitude in the
table is a lower or upper limit.
40- 45 F6.3 mag magMin *? Minimum magnitude or amplitude
46- 47 A2 --- u_magMin [st:] a light amplitude is reported for
the minimum and it is given in steps
Uncertainty flag (:) on magMin
48 A1 --- f_magMin [)] ")" if magMin is an amplitude
49 A1 --- magCode *The photometric system for magnitudes
51-57 A7 --- Ref1 *Reference to a study of the star
see the document by Kukarkin et al.(1982)
59-67 A9 --- Desig *Designation in paper Ref1
69-70 A2 --- SpType *Spectral type
72-77 A6 --- Ref2 *Chart reference
see the document by Kukarkin et al.(1982)
79-88 A10 --- VarName *Designation in GCVS
89 A1 --- NoteFlag2 *[*] Notes in catalog GCVS Vol.V
Note on m_NSV: The letter "A" is present for one star, NSV 10360A,
which is a completely different object from NSV 10360.
Note on NoteFlag1: see the document by Kukarkin et al.(1982)
There are several data fields that can contain asterisks. These signify
that more complete information will be found in the remarks to the
published catalog. The remarks are, unfortunately, not machine
readable, but they do contain much supplemental information. There, one
will find information covering situations like, e.g.:
1. The discoverer of the light variability is not the author of the
paper cited in the variability reference, or is one of several authors
of the paper cited. In these cases, discoverers' names are given
in original transcriptions of the remarks.
2. The most important additional information about a star, although the
NSV compilers did not intend to present complete bibliographies for any
catalogued stars.
3. Remarks for visual binaries (in parentheses following the number of a
star in the corresponding catalog) giving visual magnitudes for the
individual components A and B, angular separations, and position angles
for faint components (or semimajor axis of a relative orbit and period
of orbital motion). Data for other components are then given where
applicable. (Combined magnitudes are generally reported in the
machine-readable table.)
Note on RAh, RAm, RAs, DE-, DEd, DEm, DEs:
The position is also listed when the variable is equivalent to a GCVS
star (column VarName).
Note on u_DEs:
The actual accuracy of coordinates is indicated with the symbols:
(:) means right ascensions accurate to one second of time and
declinations accurate to one tenth of an arcminute;
(*) means declinations accurate to one arcminute.
Note on VarType: type of variability (see file ...\III\vartype.txt).
The system of variable star classification corresponds to the GCVS4,
with six additions (ZZO, AM, R, BE, LBV, BLBOO) introduced in the
Name-Lists 67- 72 and in the GCVS vol.V. (see "Note on VarType" section
Note on magMax, magMin: Magnitudes are reported to hundredths if the
observations are photoelectric, to tenths or whole magnitudes if they
are not. If only an amplitude has been measured photoelectrically, then
the maximum magnitude is generally given to tenths only and the minimum
is reported to hundredths.
Note on magCode: the photometric system in which magMin and magMax are
reported (see also Note on n_magMax, n_magMin). The main codes are P
(photographic magnitudes) and V (visual, photovisual, or Johnson's V).
See also the documents by Kholopov et al. (1985-1988) or Warren (1988).
Note on Ref1: Usually a 6-digit number coding, as a rule, the reference to the
announcement of the discovery of variability. The first two digits give the
year (in the 20th century) when the announcement was published (blank
for the 19th century). The next four digits give the number in the list
of references contained in the published catalog, which is generally the
first publication announcing the possible variability. The numbers are
followed by a letter code in most cases (byte 75) with the following
K: the cited paper contains a chart or photograph of
the field with the suspected variable marked.
D: the cited paper does not contain a chart, but the
star is catalogued in one of the Durchmusterungen
Note on Desig: The identification of the suspected variable in the
paper referenced above. DM numbers are given without a prefix, the
standard naming convention of "The Henry Draper Catalogue" being used
(BD for zones +89 to -22; CD for -23 to -51; CP for -52 to -89).
Some identifications are given by coordinate designations, a 6-digit
number consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds (or tenths of a minute)
of time and degrees of declination with sign included. An asterisk (*)
signifies that a designation is given in the remarks to the published
Stars are sometimes designated with numbers from the catalogs of Zinner
(ZI, 1929) and Prager (PR, 1934, 1937) because the original discovery
publications were not available to the NSV compilers. The catalogs of
Zinner and Prager give detailed references to early observations of such
Note on SpType: Spectral types and subtypes only are given.
Most luminosity classes are III to V, but if a star is a supergiant,
more detailed classification information is given in the remarks to the
published catalog. The following symbols are used:
E emission spectrum
EA e sub alpha
EV variable emission in spectrum
T characteristics of T Tauri stars
Note on Ref2: The coding for the numbers is similar to that used
in the variability references described above, except that there are no
letter codes. These are references to papers containing identification
charts if no charts are given in the papers cited for the variability
Note on VarName, NoteFlag2:
1) The alternative name of the variable. All necessary information on
the star is to be found under that alternative name, in the iii.zip and
nl.zip files.
2) The star's name in the GCVS Vol. V (see the file v.zip, where the
explanation of the designations is also given). In this case, the
symbol "*" in column 89 means the presence of remarks in Vol. V.
* 16-Jun-1999: in file nsv.dat, the star NSV 7334 = HV 10762 which was
erroneously cross-identified with QW Nor, was corrected at CDS (the
original data of the 1982 version of the NSV catalogue were inserted
for this star)
QW Nor is identical to NSV 7374.
Kholopov, P. N., Samus, N. N., Frolov, M. S., Goranskij, V. P., Gorynya,
N. A., Karitskaya, E. A., Kazarovets, E. V., Kireeva, N. N., Kukarkina, N.
P., Kurochkin, N. E., Medvedeva, G. I., Perova, N. B., Rastorguev, A. S.,
and Shugarov, S. Yu. 1985-1988, "General Catalogue of Variable Stars", 4th
Edition, Volumes I-III, (Moscow: Nauka Publishing House).
Kukarkin, B. V., Kholopov, P. N., Artiukhina, N. M., Fedorovich, V. P.,
Frolov, M. S., Goranskij, V. P., Gorynya, N. A., Karitskaya, E. A.,
Kireeva, N. N., Kukarkina, N. P., Kurochkin, N. E., Medvedeva, G. I.,
Perova, N. B., Ponomareva, G. A., Samus, N. N., and Shugarov, S. Yu. 1982,
"New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars", (Moscow: Nauka Publishing
Kholopov, P. N., Samus, N. N., Durlevich, O. V., Kazarovets, E. V.,
Kireeva, N. N., Tsvetkova, T. M. 1990, "General Catalogue of Variable
Stars", 4th Edition, Vol. IV, (Moscow: Nauka Publishing House).
Kholopov, P. N., Samus, N. N., Frolov, M. S., Goranskij, V. P.,
Kazarovets, E. V., Kireeva, N. N., Perova, N. B. 1985-1995, "Name-lists of
variable stars Nos. 67-72".
Artyukhina, N. M., Durlevich, O. V., Frolov, M. S., Goranskij, V. P.,
Gorynya, N. A., Karitskaya, E. A., Kazarovets, E. V., Kholopov, P. N.,
Kireeva, N. N., Kurochkin, N. E., Lipunova, N. A., Medvedeva, G. I.,
Pastukhova, E. N., Samus, N. N., Tsvetkova, T. M. 1995, "General Catalogue
of Variable Stars", 4th Edition, Vol. V: Extragalactic Variable Stars
(Moscow: "Kosmosinform").
(End) E.V. Kazarovets, O.V. Durlevich [Moscow & Sternberg] 10-May-1999